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SURE Program in Solid-State Devices

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience


Summer Undergraduate Research Experience

Solid-State Devices for Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetics Technology

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program:
Solid-State Devices for Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetics Technology

Micro and nanofabrication of solid-state devices are rapidly becoming the key drivers of interdisciplinary research in emerging fields such as nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomechanics, nanophysics, and biophysics.  Such technology is a critical component of modern economic development, and leadership in research is a key to sustained US economic competitiveness.  One of the greatest challenges in maintaining that leadership is the limited number of undergraduates from US engineering programs who pursue graduate studies in solid-state devices and the related topics of materials and device processing. 

The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience ("the SURE program") in Solid-State Devices for Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetics Technology was created to address this need.  The SURE program will provide an average of ten students per summer the opportunity to pursue ten weeks of directed research in the areas of electronic, photonic, and magnetic devices, including material and device design, processing, characterization, and modeling.  Faculty members on the REU team currently conduct independent, interdisciplinary, and industry-coordinated studies ranging from fundamental materials and physics to functional devices, circuits, and systems. 

This has been facilitated by linking physics and materials processing programs to integrated multifunctional devices and circuits at the micro and nanometer scale.  Thus our underlying research paradigm of materials-to-devices will be adopted in this program.  The REU program will be characterized by three principle goals:  Development of the technical skills and critical thinking abilities of the participants and exposure to substantive research problems in device-related technology; development of the participants' technical communication abilities and their awareness of the societal context in which research is conducted; utilization of current and new partnering relationships to increase participation by students from underrepresented groups.

The SURE program is currently on hold. We hope to continue the program in future summers  Updates will be posted.

Typical Projects

The SURE program is supported by the Division of Engineering Education and Centers of the National Science Foundation, under grant number EEC-1560070.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.