Information for Core Administrators
This is a simplistic view of Core administration features. Refer to your Go-Live Guide and Implementation Documentation, the iLab Help portal, or your Agilent representatives for higher order functions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Accessing iLab
What web browser should I use? What browser is recommended?
Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are recommended web browsers.
How do I log into iLab?
How do I access my Core?
Once logged in navigate to My Core(s) under the dropdown menu on the left-hand side.
Managing Core Staff
How do I add staff?
Instruct the new staff or lab member to register under the associated lab:
AARL Staff will register under the Aquatics Facility (Clemson) Lab
CLIF Staff will register for the Clemson Light Imaging (Clemson) Lab
EMF Staff will register under the Electron Microscopy (Clemson) Lab
GSRC Staff will register under the Godley Snell Research Center (Clemson) LabAccept that member into the associated lab.
Navigate to the Administration tab of your Core page. Select Members.
Search the name of the employee and choose a role.
Click Invite. -
How do I grant staff equipment permissions?
Navigate to the People tab of your Core page.
Find the name of the new Staff or lab member.
Click Equipment Permissions to choose a permission level and check all relevant equipment next to that employee’s name.
Click Save.
Managing Core Users
How do I find Users in iLab?
To see all users who are registered in iLab, open the left side dropdown menu and select People Search. To see all users who are customers in your Core, navigate to the People tab of your Core page.
How do I register new internal Users?
You were provided a registration email template for internal users in your Go-Live guide. You may forward that email to the new user or customize your own depending on the information you wish to distribute.
After a user has registered, they may be added to the People tab of your Core page and granted the necessary equipment permissions.
How do I register new external Users?
You were provided a registration email template for external users in your Go-Live guide. You may forward that email to the new user or customize your own depending on the information you wish to distribute.
After a user has registered, they may be added to the People tab of your Core page and granted the necessary equipment permissions.
Important: After a new external user has registered, their company name should be forwarded to an Institutional admin to create a Customer ID. External Users without a customer ID will show error messages when a new billing event is created.
How do I register new PI's?
Most Clemson PI’s had an iLab account created for them during site building. They will be able to log in via Duo Authentication. You were provided a registration email template for PI’s in your Go-Live guide. You may forward that email to the new PI or customize your own depending on the information you wish to distribute.
New PI’s who were not included during site building can be sent a registration link similar to new internal users. They should be instructed to register as members of the Admin (Clemson) Lab. Institutional admins will create a Lab Group for them.
Some PI’s may inform you that they are able to log in to iLab but cannot find their Lab Group. The most common reason for this being they were not included as a PI/customer of any Core research facility during the iLab site integration. Search for their them via People Search. If you see Fund Approvers (Clemson) Lab, or any other PI (Clemson) Lab in the column next to their name, they need to have a Lab Group page created for them.
I tried to schedule equipment on behalf of a User. Under "Use and cost of reservation" the Total Cost is $0.00.
You haven’t marked their necessary permission level to use the equipment. Under Pricing Details you may override the Availability Type and manually set a price. To assign a default price to that user, return to your People tab and find their name. Click Equipment Permissions to choose a permission level and check all relevant equipment next to that users name.
What do I do if a user is missing a project ID?
Inform the user and their PI that they are missing a valid project ID needed to properly bill for services.
What do I do if a PI does not have available funds?
Core staff has no authority over or access to a PI’s funds. If a PI does not have a Project ID that they can assign to their students, inform them that they need to add that ID to their Lab Group.
* See the Common Workflow of the PI FAQ page -
A PI believes their existing fund should be valid but it is expired.
Core staff has no authority over or access to a PI’s funds. If a Project ID’s end date needs to be updated, contact your Institutional admins before the end of the business day. They will forward the fund # to Peoplesoft. Fund update requests received before campus closes can usually be processed within the next nightly fund file for access the following morning.
Billing and Reporting
How do I prepare charges for internal users?
Internal Users should have Project IDs set as their primary method of payment. Confirm all valid equipment usage and Complete any open Service Requests to mark those items as Ready to Bill. Begin a new billing Event.
How do I prepare charges for external users?
External Users have the option to choose Credit Card as their method of payment.
If paying via Credit Card, the user will have access to a uPay link when you forward their invoice to them and be able to pay their balance directly.Purchase Order number may also be selected.
If paying via PO, proceed to create the billing event as normal. You may forward the invoice to the User and generate an external PO/IDO to receive payment.Check my also be selected.
If paying via Check, proceed to create the billing event as normal. Forward the invoice to the User and arrange to receive payment.Confirm all valid usage and Complete any open Service Requests to mark those items as Ready to Bill. Begin a new billing Event.
How do I Confirm changes?
Navigate to your Schedule Equipment or Calendars tab. Press Confirm usage. Arrange the listings by date, user, or equipment. Confirm any valid charges. Open the menu next to invalid charges to investigate and rectify the reason.
How do I create a Billing Event?
Navigate to your Billing tab and click New Billing Event.
- Select an end date range
- Give the event a name
- Choose to include Internal, External, or all charges (default is All)
- Choose how to Group invoices (default is Lab)
- Click Load Charges
- Exclude any charges that you don’t want to bill for yet by clicking the green arrow
- Select any previously detached invoices to include if applicable
- Select Create to begin the processing stage or Save as Draft to come back to it at another time
I clicked Load Charges but some are automatically showing up in the "Excluded Charges" section of the Draft Billing Event.
Check the status of the charge. If it is marked Ready to Bill, press the green arrow to move it to the Included Charges section. For charges marked Not Ready to Bill, verify that a valid project ID is in use and that the charge was Confirmed or the service was Completed.
I see a Customer ID missing error. What do I do?
This will most likely correspond to an external user. Forward the name of the user and the Company they represent to an Institutional Admin to create their unique customer id number.
Why do I see Billing Errors on the summary page?
Click the billing errors tab to see the error reason. The most common error you will see is for "Invoices Requiring Approval" or "Missing Customer Info."
ALL Invoices requiring payment must be forwarded to their recipient. The Send to ERP button will not appear until the PI's or lab Managers have been notified of their iLab charges.
Invoices missing customer information either do not have a payment method selected or have an expired payment method. Open the invoice and ensure that a valid payment option is present.
How do I send my invoices to their recipient?
After creating a Billing Event, select Invoices next to the event. You will see all invoices that have been included. There are two options for sending invoices:
- At the top of the page, you may use the bulk email option to forward to all recipients for their approval. Selecting “Prepend custom message” will allow you to send a message along with that invoice.
- Use the envelope icon next to each invoice to send a personal email directly to that owner along with the invoice, informing them of their option to approve or dispute their charges and the date at which the invoice will be automatically approved.
Recipients will receive a copy of their invoice, and a seven-day tacit approval window will begin that allows them to approve or dispute items on their invoice. -
How can my users dispute an invoice? How can I resolve disputes?
The owner of the invoice will be able to click the orange flag icon next to each line item on their invoice to initiate a dispute. Once they’ve selected their reasoning all parties will receive a notification of the dispute and a direct link to the invoice in question.
To resolve a dispute, click the orange flag and choose a resolution option from the available choices. Select Resolve Dispute once finished. The orange flag will now show green to indicate the issue has been resolved. You may use the envelope icon at the top of the invoice to send a message to the user that their matter has been addressed. -
Do I have to wait for invoice approvals?
Yes, however if all PI’s approve before the seven day window has passed you may immediately send the billing file for processing. If all PI’s do not approve their invoices, you must wait the full the seven days for that status to change to auto-approved and any billing errors to be removed before sending the billing file for processing.
Navigate to the relevant Billing Event and select Invoices at the top. Invoices requiring Approval will state so in the approvals column of this page.
how do I send the Billing Event file for Processing?
Once all necessary invoices have either been approved by their PI’s or been marked as auto-approved by the system, navigate to the Billing Event’s Summary page and click “Send to ERP Clemson.”
How do I create reports?
When you log into the main iLab homepage, you can visit Reporting under the left side dropdown menu. You will be able to choose from three categories of reports for the Lab Group that you manage. For more information about Reporting in iLab visit the iLab Reporting Tutorial Page.
Support Information
Support Information
help site and Dashboard
The iLab dedicated support help site has step-by-step instructions for many of the workflows required by the system.
You can also access the Help Dashboard by signing into iLab and clicking Help in the upper right corner. Within the Help Dashboard you will find system status updates and support history. You may submit a new support ticket that will be forwarded to the appropriate member of Agilent’s support team or open a Live Chat with any available Agent. There are recorded webinars located in the dashboard, as well as a calendar of upcoming Webinars you may register to attend.
Clemson Institutional Admininstrators
Duties and Authority of an Institutional Admin: | Contacts |
Institution-Level Reporting View all active registered Users Create Lab Groups for New PI’s Create Customer ID numbers for new External Users View Invoices across Clemson View Currently Available Project IDs & Expiration Dates Act as contact between iLab Core Administrators and Clemson Peoplesoft Administrators |
Justin Scott – CLIF Research Specialist Kathy Gibson – Division of Research Business Officer Terri Bruce – CLIF Director
Clemson Core Administrators
Duties and Authority of a Core Admin: | Contacts |
Manage Equipment Schedules in iLab Grant core User permissions within their specific facility Generate Billing Files and manage Invoices for their core facility Core-Level Reporting NOTE Core Admins CANNOT add/remove any accounts (Project IDs) from a user's iLab profile. That is the duty of the lab PI. Institutional Admins can assist when necessary |
Dayton Cash – EMF Research Specialist Justin Scott – CLIF Research Specialist Heather Holliday – OAR Assistant Director |
Clemson Agilent Representatives
Duties and Authority | Contacts |
End user issues -Registration -Account Reactivations Direct support for core subject matter and needs -Core landing page edits, workflow inquiries |
Nadia Clark – Clemson User Support |
Communicate feature upgrades with Institutional Administrators Provide ongoing guidance for software implementation Identify pain points Escalate Concerns for Institution-Level needs |
Kim Powell – Customer Experience Manager |