Welcome to the Emerging Scholars Program
The Clemson Emerging Scholars Program helps high school students from South Carolina’s I-95 corridor (Allendale, Bamberg, Hampton, Dillon and Marlboro counties) learn what it takes to go to college. We concentrate on academic preparation, leadership skills and the college application process. We work with students in their schools and community, as well as during their visits to Clemson’s campus. Designed to increase the number of students who attend and graduate from college, this three-year program begins in the summer after the students complete ninth grade and continues until they graduate from high school and enter college.
Emerging Scholars Timeline
January – Student & Staff Recruitment, Summer Dates Announced
March – Recruitment Finalized
April – Summer Information Sessions
June – Staff Training
June – July – Summer Programming
August – December – Academic/Community Programming
Who is Eligible for Emerging Scholars?
The Emerging Scholars Program targets students in the following seven high schools: Allendale-Fairfax, Bamberg-Ehrhardt, Denmark-Olar, Hampton County High School, Dillon and Marlboro County. Every January, interest meetings take place at the seven schools, and applications are released to the attendees and schools afterward. Students should communicate with their school guidance counselors and follow our social media accounts for the most up-to-date information.