Purpose and Mission
The purpose of the IT Governance Review Committee is to provide objective, thoughtful review, approval, and prioritization of all IT requests within defined thresholds, considering business and IT needs and resources. This committee was created in the fall 2020 as a part of an institutional IT Governance Program to maximize effectiveness, minimize cost, and manage risk for all Clemson IT needs.
The IT Governance Review Committee will:
- Confirm that IT requests advance university and department strategic plans and leadership direction in alignment with Clemson Elevate
- Review, approve, and prioritize medium-to-large scale IT requests using a systems-level perspective while objectively managing limited resources and considering risk and compliance requirements
- Consolidate IT requests into a unified queue to improve stakeholder communication, reduce confusion, and streamline IT project activities
- Meet and respond to requests promptly, preventing any unnecessary delay
- Be transparent, providing reasoning behind all decisions made
- For substantive requests the IT Governance Review Committee will provide recommendations to Executive Committee
Membership and Operations
The IT Governance Review Committee reports to an Executive Committee, comprised of the EVP and Chief Operating Officer, the EVP for Academic Affairs and Provost, and the Chief Information Officer. It is comprised of roles that represent critical areas related to IT and business oversight, including the following:
- Associate Vice President for Academic Finance
- Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness
- Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Associate Vice President for Budget and Analytics
- Deputy Chief Information Officer
- Operational Excellence: Director of IT
- Operational Excellence: Director of Process Improvement
- Executive Director for Enterprise Systems & Applications
- Chief Data Officer
Membership will be reviewed and adjusted as needed by the Office of Institutional Excellence and the Executive Committee. Meetings will occur at least bi-weekly. A designee may attend a meeting in the absence of a member. Additional non-voting parties may join meetings as requested.
The IT Governance Review Committee will provide a timely response to requests presented within the framework outlined in the IT Governance Framework Policy (policy in development). Within this framework, ITG reviews will be based on the thresholds defined here.