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Cadets in camouflage laying on ground drawing maps.
Department of Military Leadership

Summer Training and Internships

Summer Training and Internships

Army ROTC cadets have the opportunity to participate in several courses and internship opportunities during the summer to further develop their leadership potential.

  • Cadet Initial Entry Course (CIET)

    Cadet Initial Entry Training is the Army's two-year ROTC program entry point. Through the CIET, students without ROTC basic course experience can examine the Army without incurring an obligation and qualify for advanced course entry. The Army observes these students and determines their officer potential in a leadership-oriented, challenging and motivating 28-day training program.

    The Cadet Initial Entry Training Concept
    A successful camp begins with the recruitment of quality students who have a desire to learn about ROTC and an Army Officer career. Training during camp educates, challenges, motivates and demonstrates to the student the demands and rewards of being an Army Officer. CIET is the student's and the Army's vehicle for determining future ROTC involvement.

    The camp philosophy is based on an action-oriented training plan. Emphasis is placed on hands-on, outdoor training with rapid, constructive feedback for the cadet. Above all else, CIET is a leadership experience. The training program is designed to inspire students to become outstanding leaders with a sound understanding of traditional leadership values. At the CIET, students are trained to lead and develop their officer leadership potential.

    Training at the Cadet Initial Entry Training
    The CIET course will give you some very special skills while simultaneously presenting you with a combination of mental and physical challenges that are specifically designed to bring out your leadership potential. It's full of adventure and excitement, and it's fun. An added benefit is the opportunity it provides to meet many other college students and establish some valuable and potentially lifelong relationships. In many ways, this course will raise your leadership stock in an amazingly short period of time (28 days).

    The 28-day CIET course is conducted during the summer at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and it consists of three phases - the "Future Leader" phase, the "Bold Leader" phase and the "Discover Gold" phase.

    During the "Future Leader" phase, you'll rappel, participate in a leadership reaction course, learn water survival and stream crossing techniques, first aid, weapons and how to navigate on land using a map and compass during the day and night. You'll be challenged physically throughout this entire phrase. You'll learn when to lead and when and how to follow.

    During phase two, the "Bold Leader" phase, we'll teach you small unit tactics. We'll put you through a self-confidence-building obstacle course, rock climbing, paintball and the Tarzan assault course. With your newly established confidence in water survival, you'll participate in small boat or raft operations. Additionally, this phase highlights the importance of teamwork and a balanced lifestyle of work and recreation.

    Finally, during the "Discover Gold" phase, you'll participate in some very entertaining social events, a family day and the culmination of the course - the graduation ceremony.

    Visit the CIET website.

    You may attend cadet initial entry training if you:

    • Have not completed all four semesters of Military Science I and II.
    • Are medically qualified to attend.
    • Are transferring from a school that did not have ROTC.
    • Are a junior or community college transfer entering an ROTC school without prior active or reserve component military experience.
    • Are a graduate student starting a two-year program.
    • Are a high-school graduate entering a military junior college.

    Students with prior military service or who have taken Junior ROTC may be given credit for basic course completion and would not be required to attend CIET. Travel expenses are covered, and students are paid a modest amount for their time at CIET.

    Scholarship Opportunities
    Students who attend CIET may compete for a two-year Army ROTC scholarship while at camp. These merit scholarships are awarded to the most qualified students who apply.

  • Cadet Leadership Course (CLC)

    The Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) is now held annually at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The U.S. Army's largest training exercise, CLC, is the U.S. Army Cadet Command's capstone training event. The purpose of the course is to train U.S. Army ROTC cadets to Army standards, to develop their leadership skills and to evaluate their officer potential. Most Army Cadets attend CLC between their junior and senior undergraduate years after contracting to join the Army. Completing CLC is a prerequisite to becoming an Army officer through ROTC.

    The 29-day course starts with individual training and leads to collective training, building from simple to complex tasks. This building-block approach permits the integration of previously learned skills into follow-on training. This logical, common-sense training sequence is maintained for each training cycle. Every day at CLC is a day of training.

    CBRN: The Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Committee trains cadets on CBRN tasks and develops the cadets' confidence in the U.S. Army's protective mask and JSLIST clothing. Cadets learn to correctly wear, operate and have confidence in their CBRN clothing and equipment. The cadets get an appreciation of the leadership challenges and constraints associated with operating in a CBRN environment by participating in a situational training exercise that tests the cadets' CBRN skills in a physically challenging environment (Cobalt Challenge).

    BRM/LFX: The Basic Rifle Marksmanship / Live Fire (BRM/LF) Committee is tasked with familiarizing cadets with select U.S. weapons, capabilities and employment techniques. Cadets receive training to conduct zero/qualification with the M16A2 rifle, gain confidence in his or her assigned weapon and in his or her training by engaging targets on the Down Range feed Back Range and participate in a Hand Grenade Assault Course with practice grenades as part of a buddy team. After a cadet has qualified on his or her M16A2, the cadet will receive additional training in preparation for conducting a cadet-lead cadre supervised Squad Live Fire, engaging targets from a variety of positions in a tactical setting, the culmination of all their BRM training. Each cadet will also receive training and will live fire familiarize with the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and the M240B Machine Gun (MG). Cadets also receive familiarization training with the employment, operational capabilities and effects of an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) and Explosive Formed Projectile (EFP) to prepare cadets better to conduct tactical operations. Upon completing all BRM training, cadets are prepared for future collective training and have confidence in their weapon system.

    Cultural Awareness: The Cultural Awareness (CA) Committee exposes cadets to cultural factors, ethical dilemmas, politics, religion, economics and their potential impact on military operations and mission accomplishment within the Contemporary Operating Environment (COE). CLC utilizes the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) common teaching scenario – Caucasus region depicting U.S. forces in support of a friendly nation. Cadets examine and reflect upon cultural awareness's impact on military operations and understand that culture matters and that cultural awareness will facilitate mission success.

    First Aid: The First Aid Committee trains and tests cadets on selected first aid tasks. By the end of the training, each cadet can apply life-saving first aid techniques to ensure unit member survivability on the modern battlefield. The committee utilizes training aids and resources to teach and test the combat lifesaver standards in the following tasks: evaluating a casualty, airway management, CPR, chest wounds, controlling bleeding and treating for shock. The cadets also participate in a squad-level situational exercise that incorporates administering first aid in a tactical setting. Cadets walk away from training with the realization that every soldier, regardless of rank, must be able to administer aid to their fellow soldiers.

    Tactical Leader Development: The Tactical Leader Development (TLD) Committee creates a challenging tactical environment over seven days that provides a unique opportunity founded in the contemporary operating environment (COE) and basic squad and platoon level maneuver doctrine to observe and develop leadership potential. During their training at TLD, cadets are shown what right looks like during the tactical leader training as the cadre mentors them. Cadets successfully demonstrate small unit leadership skills in a training scenario that represents the COE.

    Mission Command: The Mission Command Committee exposes cadets to modern mission command and training opportunities in the modern Army. Through leadership discussions and hands-on familiarization, cadets gain an understanding of leadership on the modern battlefield and training simulations that are available to help them prepare for modern battle. Utilizing the mission training complex facility in KY, qualified instructors facilitate cadet participation in a leadership discussion that highlights modern battlefield command and control.

    All transportation, room and board expenses are paid by the Army. Cadets receive approximately $20/day fewer deductions.

    For more information, visit the CLC website.

  • Cadet Practical Field Training (CPFT)

    CPFT is a summer training program that affords highly qualified and motivated cadets to attend some of the Army's specialty schools during the summer. The Cadet Command goal for attendance at any CPFT school is 75 percent ML II and 25 percent ML III. ML I's can attend but require a waiver from the PMS approved by the brigade commander. The various specialty schools are listed below:

    • Airborne School: There is nothing like leaping from an aircraft in flight with 600 of your closest buddies. Airborne School is a three-week course held at Fort Benning, Georgia. You will learn how to successfully parachute from various Army and Air Force aircraft. At the end of the course, you make five static-line jumps onto Fryar Drop Zone and earn the coveted parachutist badge. Airborne!
    • Air Assault School: This school combines the utility of rappelling with the excitement of riding in helicopters. Also, students learn how to hook objects like LMTVs (Light Medium Tactical Vehicles) and Humvees (HMMWV-High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles) underneath hovering helicopters. Air assault is as mentally challenging as it is physically demanding. It requires the student to be strong in both mind and body before attending. The reward for ten days of hard work is the coveted air assault badge.
    • Mountain Warfare Training: This school is not for the faint of heart. Mountain warfare is a two-week school taught at Ethan Allen Firing Range in Jericho, Vermont. The course covers rappelling, rock climbing, mountain survival, land navigation, first aid and knots. The course is physically and mentally demanding, and you should definitely train for it.
    • Northern Warfare Cadet Orientation Course: Spend part of your summer climbing mountains and glaciers. This three-week course is held at Fort Greeley, Alaska, and is designed to teach you mountaineering, rock and glacier climbing, knots and cold-weather survival.

    For more information, visit the CPFT website.

  • Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT)

    The Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) allows cadets to experience leadership in Army Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E) units over three to four weeks. Cadets serve in lieutenant-level leadership positions in Active Duty units. Platoon Leader positions last three to four weeks, depending on the hosting unit and location. Assignments include units that are located in CONUS and OCONUS. Cadets are assigned a unit mentor and are provided on-post lodging and meals via a dining facility. This program is exclusively designed for MS III Cadets before and after completion of the Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC).

    There are two leadership opportunities within the Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) platoon leader. The CTLT Platoon Leader Program consists of platoon leader positions identified by active Army, Army Reserve and National Guard units, both CONUS and OCONUS. Non-SMP MSL III cadets are assigned to the CTLT Platoon Leader Program by their PMS and must successfully complete LDAC before proceeding to their assigned position. Cadets are assigned for three weeks with CONUS units and four weeks with OCONUS units. Positions are allocated to each brigade via CCIMS. Brigades allocate positions to battalions. Cadets receive an Officer Evaluation Report upon completing the platoon leader assignment.

    There is no application for CTLT platoon leader positions. Cadets must contact their professor of military science or training officer at the beginning of their junior year to coordinate a CTLT platoon leader position for the summer following their junior year. Once assigned, cadets must sign a CTLT acceptance statement and carry it to LDAC. The cadet then must complete LDAC before attending CTLT per their CTLT acceptance statement. This is the best way to try a branch before selecting your branch assignment in the fall of your senior year.

    Cadets can go to the following installations and apply for the following branches:

    • Fort Bliss, Texas: AD, OD
    • Fort Benning, Georgia: AR, EN, FA, IN, OD, QM, TC
    • Fort Drum, New York: AV, EN, FA, IN, OD, QM, SC, TC
    • Fort Eustis, Virginia: AG, AV, MP, TC
    • Fort Gordon, Georgia: OD
    • Fort Hood, Texas: AG, AD, AR, AV, CM, EN, FA, FI, IN, MS, MI, MP, OD, QM, SC, TC
    • Fort Knox, Kentucky: AR, FI, MP, TC
    • Fort Polk, Louisiana: AG, AR, AV, EN, FA, FI, IN, MS, OD, QM, TC
    • Fort Riley, Kansas: AR, AV, EN, FA, IN, MI, MP, QM, SC, TC
    • Fort Rucker, Alabama: OD
    • Fort Sill, Oklahoma: FA
    • Fort Stewart & Hunter AAF, Georgia: AG, ADA, AR, AV, EN, FA, FI, IN, MS, MP, QM, SC, TC, OD
    • Germany: AD, AR, AV, EN, FA, IN, MI, MP, MS, OD, QM, SC, TC
    • Italy: AD, EN, FA, IN, MP, QM, TC
    • Korea: AG, ADA, AR, AV, CM, EN, FA, FI, IN, MP, MS, OD, QM, SC, TC

    For more information, visit the CTLT website.

  • Drill Cadet Leader Training (DCLT)

    DCLT is similar to CTLT. The unit will be either Basic Combat Training or Advanced Individual Training. The assignment allows cadets to enhance their small-unit leadership skills in many different areas. Under the supervision of a senior NCO/Drill Sergeant, the cadet will learn and practice the duties of a mid-grade non-commissioned officer. The cadet will train new soldiers in skills such as drill and ceremonies, physical readiness training and basic rifle marksmanship. Cadets will be able to cultivate and practice instructional techniques and improve performance-counseling skills. This assignment is very challenging, with a large demand placed on the cadet's time, self-discipline and physical endurance. Long hours and hard work can be expected. The training experience of drill cadet leader training will reward cadets throughout their military careers.

    For more information, visit the DCLT website.

  • Project GO (Global Officers)

    Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency Program (CULP)

    What is Project GO? Project GO, the "Global Officer" initiative, is 25 universities and Cadet Command's ROTC programs working together to develop future military officers who possess the cross-cultural communication skills required for effective leadership in the 21st-century operational environment. The U.S. military needs officers who know critical languages and understand other cultures. Some Project GO benefits include Language bonuses, stipends, incentive pay, fully funded study abroad, unique career and leadership opportunities and life-changing experiences!

    Project GO at a glance:

    • Language study scholarships
    • Fully-funded study abroad
    • No additional service commitment
    • Intensive summer and some academic-year programs

    Project GO supports the study of:

    • Arabic
    • Chinese
    • Hindi/Urdu
    • Korean
    • Persian (Dari, Farsi, Tajik)
    • Russian
    • Tatar
    • Turkish
    • Swahili
    • Uzbek
Army ROTC | 515 Calhoun Dr., Sirrine Hall 349, Clemson, S.C. 29634