A Partial List of Our Fellowships in Economics
The Lindsay Fellowship named in honor of Cotton Mather Lindsay can be used to provide support for graduate students who are working in the area of applied Industrial Organization.
The McCormick Fellowship can be used to provide supplemental support and be awarded to students who have completed their first year of graduate studies and who have an interest in Price Theory, Corporate Finance, Environmental Economics or the Economics of Sports.
The Maloney Fellowship provides supplemental support for graduate students at all levels who have an interest in applied price theory and corporate finance.
For students that have an interest in Public Choice, Public Finance and the Economics of Sports, the Tollison Fellowship provides additional support for graduate students at all levels.
The Wallace Fellowship is available to students in all years who have an interest in macroeconomics, international finance, exchange rates or applied empirical issues.
The Warner Fellowship is intended to provide supplemental support for graduate students at all levels whose research areas can include applied empirical analysis, labor markets or the economics of defense.