Student Activities
Delta Sigma Pi Undergraduate Business Fraternity - The world's leading professional fraternity for men and women, Delta Sigma Pi develops principled business leaders for the future by providing a lifetime of opportunity for their members.
Economics Club - The Economics Club was launched in the spring of 2016 as a resource for those interested in economic thinking. Open to all students, the Economics Club hosts events such as industry experts and business speakers, debates, resume & networking workshops, movies and more to promote economic thinking on Clemson's campus. The Club provides opportunities to think about economics in a modern setting and how you may apply the trade to accomplish your academic and career goals. Those who are interested can contact student representative Justin Kearney.
Economics Student Advisory Board - The Economics Student Advisory Board comprises sophomore, junior and senior economics majors with a mix of minors and double majors. The new representatives are selected at the end of each academic year through an application process. Each representative has demonstrated that they are a department leader and committed to bettering the college as a whole. The board collaborates with the Economics faculty and staff on various initiatives to better the department and the Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business Student Advisory Board on interdepartmental issues. For more information, contact the Student Advisory Board Chair at clemsonesab@gmail.com.
Free Market Films is an informal group that meets periodically to either watch a film or discuss a short book. We primarily view films and then briefly discuss ideas in the film as they relate to society, markets, liberty and morality. We are a collection of students interested in these ideas and welcome your participation in the framework of civil discourse. Some of the films watched include "An American Anarchist," "Accidental Courtesy," "The Lives of Others," "Joyeux Noel," "2081" (a film version of the Kurt Vonnegut short story "Harrison Bergeron"), "First They Killed My Father," "Dr. Strangelove" or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb," and "Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock And Roll." Visit our Facebook page.
Senior Seminar - Every spring, we offer a Senior Seminar in Public Policy, a capstone course that allows students to apply what they have learned in other classes to analyze a current public policy issue comprehensively. An essential activity for students in this course is engaging in weekly discussions of economic policy issues. The readings on which the discussions are based come from chapters in the President's annual Economic Report and white papers that address critical policy issues. Key subjects of current interest are immigration reform, the productivity slowdown, entitlement reform and tax policy. The course includes a trip to Washington, DC, during which class members meet with policy analysts, Clemson alumni who work in the policy world in the executive and legislative branches of the federal government and economists affiliated with the Federal Reserve System or independent "think tanks."
The Harris Seminar and Dinner - All junior and senior economics majors are invited to the annual banquet honoring the year's Harris Distinguished Visiting Professor of Economics. The Harris Professorship, endowed by a gift from the family of John Harris ’74, brings an eminent scholar to campus to interact with undergraduates in and out of class. The list of previous Harris Professors includes three past presidents and several vice presidents of the American Economic Association, three members of the National Academy of Sciences, a Chair of the President's Council of Economic Advisors, and two recipients of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics.