Supply Chain Management
The Bachelor of Science degree in Management prepares students for careers as professional managers in corporations, governmental organizations and small businesses. In addition, the program provides a foundation for graduates who wish to pursue advanced degrees in business and public administration, law and the social sciences. The curriculum gives students a broad exposure to the functional areas of business and allows each to select an emphasis area in a subject that is germane to individual career interests. The Management curriculum provides an examination of the social, legal, political and economic environments in which organizations must operate; an understanding of the functional areas of business and their interrelationships; and a knowledge of behavioral science, applied statistics and mathematics as they relate to organizational problem-solving. The program is accredited by AACSB International.
The Department of Management offers a Bachelor of Science degree that allows students to choose from one of eight different emphasis areas.
The Supply Chain Management emphasis area is perfect for students who are innovative, creative, meticulous and thorough in their work. This requires a balance between analytical and creative thinking skills that leads most graduates to a position in consulting, manufacturing or even a logistics company. Supply Chain Management is present in every company and valued and prioritized in every successful company. Sustainable competitive advantage is gained through long-term planning and forecasting, which is enabled by a lean process design and continuous improvements in company procedures and relationships. Where operations management tends to stay within a single branch or office, supply chain management extends past a company's four walls and works with many upstream and downstream companies to successfully deliver a product to a consumer. This can include sourcing, purchasing, plant and transportation logistics and demand management. Managing this supply chain effectively is vital to be a viable competitor in an increasingly global and competitive environment.