Michael LeMahieu, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
CAH Office of the Dean
Office: 101 Strode Tower
Phone: 864-656-0376
Email: mlemahi@clemson.edu
Ph.D. English, University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.A. English, University of Wisconsin-Madison; B.A. English and Spanish, Marquette University
20th/21st Century American Literature; Civil War Memory; Philosophy of Language
Research Interests
Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century American, African-American, and Anglophone Literature; Modernism and Postmodernism; History of Ideas; Critical Theory; and Anglo-American Philosophy of Language
Michael LeMahieu is the author of Fictions of Fact and Value: The Erasure of Logical Positivism in American Literature, 1945-1975 (Oxford University Press, 2013), reviewed in American Literature, College Literature, Textual Practice, The Year’s Work in English Studies, and Twentieth-Century Literature. With Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé, LeMahieu co-edited Wittgenstein and Modernism (University of Chicago Press, 2017). He is currently writing a book on Civil War memory in U.S. literature from the civil rights movement to the contemporary moment. LeMahieu is coeditor of the journal Contemporary Literature.