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EMERGENCY ALERT:  Clemson University’s main campus closed, classes cancelled through Friday Sept. 27.

College of Arts and Humanities

Brittany Clark

Brittany Clark


Department of English

Ph.D., American Studies, Pennsylvania State University (2021); M.A., Humanities, Pennsylvania State University (2015); B.A., English, Western Michigan University (2008)

Curriculum Vitae


ENGL 1030: Composition and Rhetoric; ENGL 2140: American Literature

Research Interests
Consumer Culture, Working-Class Studies, Popular Media

Brittany Clark is a Lecturer at Clemson University where she teaches English Composition and American Literature. She received her Ph.D. in American Studies from Pennsylvania State University in 2020. Her major areas of research include the intersection of consumer culture, working culture, working-class studies, and popular culture. Her forthcoming book Media Representations of Retail Work in America (based on her dissertation) examines how representations of retail workers in popular culture have shaped cultural perceptions about the job and who does it. In the classroom, she likes to focus on the importance of everyday experiences, people, and places to help students draw connections to the texts they are exploring.


Selected Professional Works

Books (In Production or Under Contract)

Retail Work in American Popular Culture, Washington D.C.: Lexington Books, pending.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)

Bryan, Peter and Brittany Clark, “#NotMyGhostbusters: Adaptation, Response, and Fan Entitlement in 2016’s Ghostbusters,” The Journal of American Culture, June 2019

“I was a Retail Salesperson: Memoirs About Working in Retail,” Journal of Working-Class Studies 2, no. 2 (2018).

College of Arts and Humanities
College of Arts and Humanities | 108 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634