Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management
Clemson University's Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management was established in 1962 and is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education. With an average student-to-teacher ratio of 25-to-1, the department is staffed by a professional faculty dedicated and committed to providing the most effective education to students and to researching and disseminating construction knowledge within their areas of expertise.
In addition to the University's general education requirements, students are introduced to the current processes and functions utilized by construction industry practitioners. Theoretical concepts are reinforced and practiced in the laboratory by site visits and through seminars conducted by industry experts. Topics such as structures, materials and methods, contract documents, estimating, scheduling, safety, and project management form the core curriculum of the degree.
Besides successfully completing the required courses in the program, students are required to obtain a minimum of 800 hours of construction experience with an approved construction company.
Program Description
As the largest single industry in the United States and one of the most important, construction offers unlimited opportunities to highly motivated and professionally educated men and women. Future professionals must be skilled in managing people, equipment, and capital, in addition to having a thorough knowledge of construction materials and methods and the complex technologies of modern construction. The Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management curriculum is the basis for a career in construction or as a developer or building management specialist.
Students who wish to change their major to Construction Science and Management must have completed at least 30 credit hours with a minimum gradepoint average of 3.0; and must have successfully completed ENGL 1030, PHYS 2070/PHYS 2090, and the mathematics requirement (MATH 1020 or MATH 1060) by the end of the semester in which the change-of-major request is made.
Students should contact Gretchen Waugaman in Lee Hall 2-123 at (864) 656-3878 or gretchw@clemson.edu. The Department’s Faculty Admissions Committee considers all requests in late May/early June of each year and selects the top students by cumulative grade-point average based on space availability. Students who do not meet the minimum requirements are not considered.
Degree Requirements
Students must meet all Clemson University and Construction Science and Management requirements contained in the University's Undergraduate Announcements, which can be found on the Clemson University website at https://www.registrar.clemson.edu/html/catalog.html. These include, but are not limited to:
- Maintaining a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
- Passing all courses in the curriculum with a D or better. (Refer to the above website for a list of courses.)
- Completing a minimum of 800 hours working for an approved construction company. Student Internship Guidelines.pdf
Students are also highly encouraged to participate in department extracurricular activities, including taking leadership roles where available.
- Curriculum
Change Your Major to CSM
Change of major requests are considered only once a year — in late May or early June. Students wishing to be considered to change their major into Construction Science and Management must:
- Have at least 30 semester credit hours with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Students will be selected based on their cumulative grade point average and the number of spaces available in the program.
- Have successfully completed English 1030, Physics 2070/2090, and the mathematics requirement (1060 or 1020) by the end of spring semester of the year in which they are requesting the change of major.
- Submit the Change of Major Request Form to the Department.
The student should place his or her name on the department change of major request list in the Nieri Department of Construction and Real Estate Development office — Lee Hall 2-123.
The department will consider all the requests in late May or early June and select the top students based on availability of space. Students not meeting the above-stated minimum requirements at the end of the respective spring semester will not be considered.
For specific questions, contact Gretchen Waugaman in Lee Hall 2-123 at (864) 656-3878 or gretchw@clemson.edu.
Experiential Learning/Internship Guidelines and Requirements
One of the graduation requirements for the Construction Science and Management undergraduate program is to successfully complete and document a minimum of 800 hours of approved experience in the construction industry.
Guidelines and Requirements for Experiential Learning/Internship