Boone and Crockett at Clemson University

The Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation at Clemson University and the Boone and Crockett Club have partnered to establish a university program to enhance management of game and other wildlife species on private lands in South Carolina and the Southeast.
The program will:
- provide outreach and educational support for private landowners managing their lands for game and other wildlife species;
- provide landowner-focused research on game and other wildlife species;
- facilitate student development and engagement with private landowners, policy makers and the general public on wildlife conservation on private lands.
From Our Students
“My goal for the Clemson Boone and Crockett Program is to not just produce students who can conduct research and communicate science-based information, but advocate for and inspire policy changes that lead to tangible action on the ground to restore wildlife.”
David S. JachowskiDirectorClemson Boone and Crockett University Program