Corn Weed Control

Corn Preplant Burndown Weed Control
Weeds Herbicide, Mode of Action Code, and Formulation Amount of Formulation per Acre Pounds of Active Ingredient per Acre
Most broadleaf weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. in diameter; does not control grasses

carfentrazone-ethyl, MOA 14

(Aim) 1.9 EW or 2 EC

Up to 2 oz Up to 0.031
Contact kill of all green foliage, stale bed and minimum tillage application

paraquat, MOA 22

(Firestorm, Parazone) 3 SL

1.5 to 2.7 pt

0.6 to 1

paraquat, MOA 22

(Gramoxone SL) 2 SL

2.4 to 4 pt

0.6 to 1
Annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds, stale bed application

glyphosate, MOA 9

(numerous brands and formulations)

See labels See labels
Corn Preemergent Weed Control
Weeds Herbicide, Mode of Action Code, and Formulation Amount of Formulation per Acre Pounds of Active Ingredient per Acre
Broadleaf weeds

2,4-D amine 4, MOA 4

(various brands)

1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1
Most annual grass weeds, including fall panicum, broadleaf signal grass, and small-seeded broadleaf weeds

alachlor, MOA 15

(Micro-Tech) 4 FME

2 to 4 qt 2 to 4

dimethenamid, MOA 15

(Outlook) 6.0 EC

12 to 21 oz 0.56 to 1.0

metolachlor, MOA 15

(Me-Too-Lachlor II) 7.8 EC

1 to 2 pt 0.98 to 1.98

metolachlor, MOA 15

(Parallel) 7.8 EC

1 to 2 pt 0.98 to 1.98

S-metolachlor, MOA 15

(Brawl II, Dual II Magnum, Medal II) 7.64 EC

1 to 2 pt 0.95 to 1.91

pyroxasulfone, MOA 15

(Zidua) 85 WG

1.5 to 4 oz 0.0796 to 0.213


Most annual broadleaf and grass weeds

atrazine, MOA 5

(various brands) 4 F

1 to 2 qt 1 to 2

atrazine, MOA 5

(various brands) 90 WDG

1.1 to 2.2 lb 1 to 2

alachlor, MOA 15 + atrazine, MOA 5

(Bullet or Lariat) 4 F

2.5 to 4.25 qt

1.56 to 2.7

+ 0.94 to 1.6

dimethenamid, MOA 15 + atrazine, MOA 5

(Guardsman Max) 5 F

2.4 to 4.8 pt

0.5 to 1

+ 1 to 1.9

S-metolachlor, MOA 15 + atrazine, MOA 5

(Bicep II Magnum) 5.5 F

1.3 to 2.6 qt

0.78 to 1.56

+ 1 to 2

Small seeded broadleaf weeds and some annual grass weeds

saflufenacil, MOA 14 + dimethenamid, MOA 15

(Verdict) 5.57 EC

10 to 18 oz 0.43 to 0.78
Broadleaf weeds, including large seeded weeds such as cocklebur and annual grass weeds, and partial control of yellow nutsedge

bicycloprene, MOA 27 + mesotrione, MOA 27 + S-metolachlor, MOA 15

(AcuronFlexi) 2.86 L

2 to 2.25 qt 1.6 to 1.8

S-metolachlor, MOA 15

+ atrazine, MOA 5

+ mesotrione, MOA 27

+ bicycloprene, MOA 27

(Acuron) 3.44 L

2.5 to 3 qt

1.34 to 1.61

+ 0.625 to 0.75

+0.15 to 0.18

+0.038 to 0.045

Grass and broadleaf weeds

pendimethalin, MOA 3

(Prowl H2O) 3.8 AS

2 to 4 pt 1 to 2
Broadleaf and grass weeds

simazine, MOA 5

(Princep) 4L

2 qt 2
Corn Postemergent Weed Control
Weeds Herbicide, Mode of Action Code, and Formulation Amount of Formulation per Acre Pounds of Active Ingredient per Acre
Most annual broadleaf and grass weeds

atrazine, MOA 5

(various brands) 4 L

(various brands) 90 WDG

2 qt 2.2 lb 2
Annual grasses and broadleaf weeds

dimethenamid, MOA 15

(Outlook) 6.0 EC + atrazine, MOA 5

(AAtrex) 4 F or 90 WDG

8 to 21 oz

+ See labels

0.375 to 1

+ See labels

S-metolachlor, MOA 15

(Dual II Magnum) 7.64 EC

+ atrazine, MOA 5

(AAtrex) 4 F

(AAtrex) 90 WDG

1 to 1.67 pt

+ 1 to 2 qt

1.3 to 2.2 lb

0.95 to 1.58

+ 1 to 2

Cocklebur, common ragweed, jimsonweed, Pennsylvania smartweed, velvetleaf, yellow nutsedge and morningglory

bentazon, MOA 6

(Basagran) 4 SL

1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1
Many broadleaf weeds

mesotrione, MOA 27

(Callisto) 4 EC

3 oz 0.094
Annual broadleaf weeds and some grasses

tembotrione, MOA 27

(Laudis) 33.5 L

3 oz 0.082

topramezone, MOA 27

(Impact) 2.8 L

0.75 oz 0.016

topramezone, MOA 27

+ dimethenamid, MOA 15

(Armezon) 5.26 L

14 to 24 oz 0.6 to 1
Velvetleaf, spreading dayflower, morningglory species, and redroot pigweed. Will not control grasses

fluthiacet-methyl, MOA 14

(Cadet) 0.91 L

0.6 to 0.9 oz 0.0042 to 0.06
Annual broadleaf weeds

fluthiacet-methyl, MOA 14

+ mesotrione, MOA 27


2.5 to 3.15 oz

0.004 to 0.0053

0.074 to 0.0931

Velvetleaf, pigweed, nightshade, morningglory, common lambsquarters

carfentrazone-ethyl, MOA 14

(Aim) 2.0 EC

0.5 oz 0.008
Broadleaf weeds including sowthistle clover, cocklebur,  jimsonweed, ragweed, Jerusalem artichoke and thistle

clopyralid, MOA 4

(Stinger) 3 EC

0.25 to 0.67 pt 0.095 to 0.25
Cocklebur, passion flower (maypop), pigweed, pokeweed, ragweed, smartweed (Pennsylvania), velvetleaf

halosulfuron-methyl, MOA 2

(Profine 75, Sandea 75) 75 WDG

0.67 oz 0.032
Cocklebur, pigweed, lambsquarters, morningglory, sicklepod, and many other annual broadleaf weeds

2,4-D amine 4, MOA 4

(various brands) 3.8 SL

0.5 to 1 pt 0.24 to 0.48
Annual grasses and broadleaf weeds

paraquat, MOA 22

(Firestorm, Parazone) 3 SL

0.7 to 1.3 pt

0.25 to 0.5

paraquat, MOA 22

(Gramoxone SL) 2 SL

1 to 2 pt

0.25 to 0.5
Certain grasses, including barnyardgrass, foxtails, Texas panicum, and johnsongrass; and broadleaf weeds including bur cucumber, jimsonweed, pigweed, pokeweed, and smartweeds

nicosulfuron, MOA 2

(Accent) 75 WDG

0.67 oz 0.031
Certain grasses including barnyardgrass, foxtails, Texas panicum, and johnsongrass; and broadleaf weeds including bur cucumber, jimsonweed, pigweed, pokeweed, and smartweed

nicosulfuron, MOA 2 75 WDG

+ mesothione, MOA 27

(Revulin Q) 51.2 WDG

3.44 to 4 oz

0.031 to 0.036

+ 0.078 to 0.092