Japanese Honeysuckle

(Lonicera japonica)

Japanese honeysuckle

Leaves Flowers Fruit
japanese honeysuckle leaf japanese honeysuckle flower japanese honeysuckle fruit

Growing habits: Climbing, twining or trailing woody perennial vine

Root anatomy: Fibrous roots form taproot & extensive rhizomes

Leaf anatomy: Oppositely arranged, ovate to oblong shape, mostly evergreen color, margins sometimes dentate or loved but mostly entire, can be smooth or pubescent, short petioles

Reproduction: Inflorescences in pairs, white fading to yellow, subtended by 2 leaflike sepals, 2-lipped corolla, 3 short lobes on upper lip, lower lip narrow and unlobed, stamens long and curved, style exerted from corolla

References: Weeds of the South by Charles T. Bryson and Michael S. DeFelice