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College of Arts and Humanities

Jody Cripps, Ph.D.

Jody Cripps, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of ASL

Department of Languages
Office: 309 Strode
Phone: 864-642-1786

Ph.D., University of Arizona (2008); M.A., University of Arizona (2002); B.A., Gallaudet University (1998)

Curriculum Vitae


American Sign Language 1-5; Linguistics of American Sign Language; Development of Signed Language and Reading Skills with Deaf Children; Deaf History; Literature, Music, and Film in the Deaf Community

Research Interests
Universal Design, Signed Music, Signed Language Pathology, Language and Literacy Acquisition for Deaf Children

Jody H. Cripps teaches courses that provide an in-depth look into the cultural, linguistic, and contemporary aspects of American Sign Language (ASL) and the signing community at large.

His research interests include but are not limited to: language acquisition and literacy, signed music, and signed language pathology. Some projects currently in the works include a case study of the creative process behind a signed musical, made possible by a grant from the Canadian Council of Arts, ongoing literacy assessments, training, and implementation of a cross-linguistic reading model for deaf students under the Gloss Institute, and an in-depth study of dysfluency disorders (stuttering, aphasia, etc.) within ASL and signed languages from other countries. Jody is also a co-founder of two non-profit organizations and is the Editor-in-Chief for Society of American Sign Language Journal.

Outside of academia, he is a surfer bum at heart and spends his spare time enjoying recreational sports, often with his wife and their two dogs.

See my Signed Music portfolio:
See Creative Inquiry - Martha's Vineyard Sign Language Project website:
See the list of my research work:


Hi! My name is Dr. Jody Cripps, and I am a professor here at the Department of Languages at Clemson University. I have been working here since 2018. In 2008, I obtained my doctorate in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the University of Arizona focusing on deaf childrens written literacy in English. I teach various content courses such as ASL linguistics, ASL literature, deaf history, signed language development, and literacy with deaf children. My research interests are Universal Design for deaf people, signed music, signed language pathology, deaf childrens literacy, and social responsibility. In addition, Clemson University is a place where they provide me opportunities to do my research work and work with faculty from other departments. The uniqueness of Clemson University is that the faculty and staff are eager to learn more about ASL and the deaf community, thus making it an ASL-friendly campus.


Selected Professional Works

Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)

Cripps, J. H., & Small, A. (2024). Exploring the creation of lyrics, composition and performance in signed music. In Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf (Ed.), Lights: The Real Us - Behind the scenes and activity guide (pp. 11-22). [Gallant, L. Project Manager; Small, A. Content Manager]. Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.

Turell, B., Cripps, J. H., & Dillard, J. (2024). Bringing sign language back to Martha's Vineyard. Society for American Sign Language Journal, 7(1), 7-19.

Cripps, J. H., Austin, E. N., & Craig, L. (2024). A case study of university mass casualty simulation with high school deaf students who sign. Journal of Emergency Management, 22(5), 535-558.

Cripps, J. H. (2024). Examining the audience's reaction to The Black Drum - signed musical production. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 20(2), 1-32.

Cripps, J. H., Rosen, R. S., Cooper, S. B., Fenicle, R., & Sever-Hall, A. (2024). Effects of inverted L2/Ln language pedagogy on student experiences and outcomes: The case of American Sign Language. Language Teaching Research, 28(6), 2082-2110.

Germain, K., Cripps, J. H., Watkin, J., & Stinson, D. (2023). "Visual translation and the amazing broken telephone kaleidoscope": A dialogue. Theatre Research in Canada, 44(1), 126-138.

Cripps, J. H., Rosen, R. S., Sever-Hall, A. E., Cooper, S. B., & Fenicle, R. (2023). Student outcomes, perspectives, and experiences in traditional and flipped L2 American Sign Language classrooms: A partial replication study. Language Learning, 73(S1), 164-196.

Cripps, J. H., Lyonblum, E., & Small, A. (2022). Signed music in the deaf community: Performing The Black Drum at Festival Clin d'Oeil. Journal of Festive Studies, 4, 191-215.

Cripps, J. H., Witcher, P. E., McAskill, A., & Germain, K. (2022). Pursuing universal accessibility for everyone: The linguistic experience at Partition/Ensemble conference. Canadian Theatre Review, 190, 13-18.

Cripps, J. H, Witcher, P. E., & Youssouf, H. (2022). Signed music and deaf musicians: A follow-up dialogue between Youssouf, Witcher, and Cripps. Theatre Research in Canada, 43(2), 266-275.

Cripps, J. H., Small, A., & Lyonblum, E. (2022). Ownership and engagement in performance art: The Black Drum signed musical theatre case study. Canadian Theatre Review, 192, 10-13.

Witcher, P. E., Cripps, J. H., & Youssouf, H. (2021). Gaining insights into signed music through performers. Society for American Sign Language Journal, 5(2), 4-17.

Cripps, J. H., Supalla, S. J., & Blackburn, L. A. (2020). The case study on accessible reading with deaf children. Society for American Sign Language Journal, 4(1), 36-72.

Supalla, S. J., Byrne, A. P. J., & Cripps, J. H. (2019). Teaching literature to deaf children and the challenge of bilingualism. Society for American Sign Language Journal, 3(1), 23-44.

Cripps, J. H. (2018). Ethnomusicology and signed music: A breakthrough. Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures.

Cripps, J. H., & Lyonblum, E. (2017). Understanding signed music. Society for American Sign Language Journal, 1(1), 78-95.

Cripps, J. H., Rosenblum, E., Small, A., & Supalla, S. J. (2017). A case study on signed music: The emergence of an inter-performative art. Liminalities, 13(2).

Supalla, S. J., Cripps, J. H., & Byrne, A. J. P. (2017). Why American Sign Language gloss must matter. American Annals of the Deaf, 161(5), 540-551. 10.1353/aad.2017.0004

Edited Journals

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2024). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2022). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2022). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2021). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2021). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2020). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol 4, No. 2.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2020). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol 4, No. 1.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2019). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol 3, No. 1.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2018). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol 2, No. 2.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2018). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol 2, No. 1.

Cripps, Jody H. (ed.) (2017). Society for American Sign Language Journal, Vol 1, No. 1.

Digital Works, Videos, CDs & DVDs, Software (Published)

Birley, D. J., Cripps, J. H., & Witcher, P. E. (Co-producer/co-director). (2023). Play it by eye: An introduction to signed music [Webstreaming]. Clemson, SC: A Birley, Cripps, & Witcher Production. Retrieved from>

Cripps, J. H. (Producer/director/host) (2016). Signed music: A symphonious odyssey [Webstreaming]. Towson, MD: A Cripps Production. Retrieved from>

Cripps, J. H., & Lummer, L. (Co-producer/co-director) (2016). A grand home for signers: Charles Thompson Memorial Hall – 1916 to present [Webstreaming]. Towson, MD: A Cripps & Lummer Production. Retrieved from>

Cripps, J. S., Small, A., Rosenblum, E., & Cripps, J. H. (Co-producer) (2015). Signed music: Rhythm of the heart [Webstreaming]. Toronto, ON: Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf. Retrieved from

College of Arts and Humanities
College of Arts and Humanities | 108 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634