Cynthia Welborn

Ph.D. Student
Department of History
MA, American University (2006); BA, Erskine College
Research Interests
U.S. History; Colonial North America, Citizenship and National Identity; Digital Methods; Gender; Oral History; Public History; Race and Ethnicity
Cynthia Welborn is a doctoral student in the Digital History program. She studies American history with a focus on early America, citizenship, oral history, digital methods, and race and gender studies. Cynthia was born and raised in Anderson County, South Carolina. She received her MA from American University in 2006, where she studied public history with a focus on oral history and local history. During her time at American University, she served as an intern at the Smithsonian's Anacostia Community Museum. She contributed oral histories to the museum's permanent collections as well as conducted research for an exhibit titled Banding Together: School Bands as Instruments of Opportunity. Currently, Cynthia works as a National Board certified teacher with South Carolina Connections Academy.