Bryan Denham

Campbell Professor of Sports Communication
Affiliated Faculty, External To CAH
Phone: 864-656-1567
Ph.D. Communications with Minor in Applied Statistics, University Of Tennessee (1996); MA Communications, California State University, Fullerton (1993); BA Journalism and Political Science, Indiana University (1989)
Dr. Denham has held the Campbell Professorship in Sports Communication at Clemson since 1999. His areas of study include media portrayals of substance use in sport and society, policy and health aspects of substance use, social science theory, and quantitative research methods. Dr. Denham served as Chair of the Department of Communication for three years and Chair of Department Personnel Committee for eight. He has authored approximately 60 peer-reviewed articles in 45 unique journals across the social, behavioral, and health sciences. He is also the author of 50 non-refereed commentaries and reviews as well as 10 book chapters and the scholarly text Categorical Statistics for Communication Research. Dr. Denham has presented approximately 70 papers at academic meetings, and from 2009 to 2019, he served as a referee for more than 300 manuscripts submitted to scholarly journals. Dr. Denham has more than 35 years of combined service to the editorial boards of Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, and Mass Communication & Society, each affiliated with the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.