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College of Arts and Humanities

Mike Gregory

Mike Gregory

Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Religion
Office: Hardin 222

Ph.D. Philosophy, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen; M.A. Philosophy, University of South Carolina (2019)

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Mike Gregory earned his M.A from the University of South Carolina in 2019 and completed his PhD from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the Netherlands. His dissertation, "The Kantian Republic" argues for a republican reading of Kant's legal and political theory. His interests are in legal and political philosophy in systemic, historical and applied contexts. Systemically, Mike works on theories of rights, dignity and sources of legal normativity. Historically, he is most interested in the 18th and 20th century jurisprudence, especially the Kantian tradition. In the applied context, Mike works on questions surrounding the application of AI to legal and political contexts including judicial decision-making, mass surveillance and criminal law, and automated legislation or "Govtech". Mike has worked with large banks, law firms and governments to develop more nuanced AI policies.

Before coming to Clemson, Mike was a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Edinburgh Law School and Associate Researcher at the Edinburgh Futures Institute.

College of Arts and Humanities
College of Arts and Humanities | 108 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634