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College of Arts and Humanities

Brian W. Bunnell

Brian W. Bunnell

Part-time Lecturer in Religion

Department of Philosophy and Religion
Office: Hardin 210

Ph.D. New Testament and Christian Origins, University of Edinburgh

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Brian Bunnell holds a Ph.D. in New Testament and Christian Origins from the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh. He is a scholar of the historical, literary, and cultural environments of early Judaism and Christianity, with a particular focus on the interpretation of ancient texts later classified as the New Testament. Dr. Bunnell’s current project is a monograph that examines the syntagm kingdom of God from the first centuries BCE and CE, emphasizing its flexible use during this period. He is also working on articles engaging queer critical theory in the Sayings Gospel Q, gendered rhetoric in Paul's undisputed letters, and Matthew's use of kingdom language as an example of ustopia. Dr. Bunnell is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Enoch Seminar, and the British New Testament Society.

College of Arts and Humanities
College of Arts and Humanities | 108 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634