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College of Arts and Humanities

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Selected Professional Works

Books (Published)

Kemalist Turkey and the Middle East: International Relations in the Interwar Period (Cambridge University Press, 2017).

Osmanli Ulemasi ve Turkiye Cumhuriyeti (Kitap Yayinevi, 2013).

Ottoman Ulema, Turkish Republic: Agents of Change and Guardians of Tradition (Stanford University Press, 2011).

Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)

“Strolling through Istanbul: Egyptians in 1930s Turkey,” in Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet, eds. Borders, Boundaries and Belonging in Post-Ottoman Space in the Interwar Period (Brill, 2022).

“There She is, Miss Universe: Keriman Halis Goes to Egypt, 1933,” in Kate Fleet and Ebru Boyar, eds. Middle Eastern and North African Societies in the Interwar Period (Brill, 2018), 144-163.

“The Istanbul Earthquake of 1894 and Science in the Late Ottoman Empire,” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 44 vi (2008), pp. 909-924.

“The Ulama and Political Activism in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Career of ?eyhülislam Mustafa Sabri Efendi (1869-1954),” in Meir Hatina, ed., Guardians of Faith in Modern Times: Ulama in the Middle East (2008), pp. 67-90.

“A ‘Young Turk’ Islamic Intellectual: Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi and the Diverse Intellectual Legacies of the Late Ottoman Empire,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 39 iv (2007), pp. 607-625.

“Politics, Military Conscription, and Religious Education in The Late Ottoman Empire,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 38 ii (2006), pp. 283-301.

College of Arts and Humanities
College of Arts and Humanities | 108 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634