Charles Starkey

Associate Professor of Philosophy; Director, Program in Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Office: 236 Hardin
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison; M.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dr. Starkey joined the Department in 2003. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and previously taught at Washington University in St. Louis and Iowa State University. His primary research interests are in emotion theory and moral psychology, and his current research examines the nature of moral experience and its relation to perception and cognition. Such research includes the relevance of emotion to moral agency and moral character. In addressing these issues, he draws on traditional ethical theory, the philosophy of mind, and empirical psychological research. Other active research interests include the psychology of courage and environmental ethics. Some representative publications include “Emotion and Character” in Character: New Directions from Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology, “Meaning and Affect” in The Pluralist, "Is Courage an Accolade or a Process? A Fundamental Question for Courage Research" (with Cynthia Pury) in The Psychology of Courage: Modern Research on an Ancient Virtue, "Classifying Emotions: Prospects for a Psychoevolutionary Approach" in Philosophical Psychology, "Emotion and Full Understanding" in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, "Manipulating Emotion: The Best Evidence for Noncognitivism in the Light of Proper Function" in Analysis, "The Land Ethic, Moral Development, and Ecological Rationality" in Southern Journal of Philosophy, and "On the Scope of Moral Perception" in Social Theory and Practice. Starkey has been the recipient of a Character Project research grant funded by the John Templeton Foundation for research on character and emotion. He also coached the national champion Clemson University Ethics Bowl public policy debate team.