Candy Boatwright

Ph.D. Student
Department of History
MA, Clemson (2024)
Research Interests
U.S. History; U.S. South; Local and public history
Candy is a digital history PhD student specializing in early colonial to antebellum southern history. She received her Masters in history from Clemson and wrote her thesis on Unionism in Greenville County, South Carolina. She continues to research the intersections of political, social, economic and religious life in the Upstate of South Carolina. She is also interested in public history and how the preservation and interpretation of historic memory sites and monuments impact the public understanding of a place’s past.
She is the doctoral graduate assistant for the Woodland Cemetery team researching the people interred on Cemetery Hill and their contribution to Clemson University. She also serves on the board of the Greenville County Historical Society and assists with their collections and public outreach.