Profile Information
Laurianne Matheson

Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Office: Strode 516
Ph.D. (ABD), Teaching & Learning, University of Louisville; M.S., Technical and Professional Communication, Southern Polytechnic State University (now part of Kennesaw State University); B.A., English, Clemson University
Professor Matheson is in her second year as a Lecturer at Clemson University, teaching Business Writing 3040 and Technical Writing 3140. She spent many years in strategic marketing and research, including working as the Research Manager for Louisville Tourism in Louisville, KY, a project manager for the American Printing House for the Blind, and a Senior Proposal Specialist for Johnson Controls. Matheson’s academic background includes a BA from Clemson in English, an MS in Technical and Professional Communications at Kennesaw State University, and doctoral studies at the University of Louisville in Teaching and Learning. Her research interests include online usability for the Visually Impaired and how to help adults adjust to vision loss.