Learn more about World Cinema
The World Cinema major offers a unique way of studying moving images as they are produced in specific economic, political and historical circumstances around the world. Designed to teach critical and creative skills, this major trains students to comprehend, challenge and participate in the unprecedented global screen culture. Increasingly shaped by interrelatedness and interdependence of media technologies and communities, film and video demand a multidisciplinary and cross-cultural approach. World Cinema draws on Clemson University’s rich pool of faculty whose work engages diverse disciplinary backgrounds, research fields, practical methodologies, and linguistic traditions.
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World Cinema Student Spotlight
“Becoming a World Cinema major was the best decision I made at Clemson. World Cinema has provided me with countless opportunities I would have never imagined otherwise. The World Cinema faculty and staff genuinely care about their students and will do everything possible to guarantee success in their future endeavors. My love for cinema has developed into a passion, and I am confident and prepared to embark on a career in the film industry. I am forever grateful for the support and opportunities this program has given me.”
Erin GwyerWorld Cinema StudentClemson University
World Cinema Faculty Spotlight
“I believe WCIN is strategic because we can help our students be better prepared to contribute to the Netflixes and Amazons of this world and/or pursue graduate degrees in Film, Media, and Communication Studies. It is also very exciting to work with talented colleagues and contribute to the build-up of a solid curriculum with a good balance between film theory, film history, and production.”
Luca BarattoniFacultyWorld Cinema