ASL Poems - Declamation Contest
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Class A: Students of ASL and CODAs (children of deaf adults) who are not fluent.
Mandatory Selection: I'm Sorry (by Clayton Valli)
Password: qQSBRh7mmZ7U
Second Selection I: The Light (by Rob Nielson)
Password: J6Zd6A4Gfrhm
Second Selection II: Looking Back
Password: 25sbf8ezdRrS
Second Selection III: The Star Arrow (by Jolanta Lapiak)
Password: asUnaZTY8YU5
Class B: Native ASL users and CODAs with proficiency equivalent to native users.
Mandatory Selection: Flowers and Moonlight on Spring Water (by Bernard Bragg)
Password: ffX5C4HyrAPL
Second Selection I: Deaf World (by Clayton Valli)
Password: tTRCeMzG9mus
Second Selection II: Dandelion (by Clayton Valli)
Password: 3AxbNcEPnMf7
Second Selection III: Mushroomd (by Clayton Valli)
Password: gMx9zhLBXVLx