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Languages Department

Language Lab

The Clemson Language Laboratory is a multifunctional space serving faculty and students in the Department of Languages as well as others throughout the University community.

Located on the first floor of Daniel Hall, the Language Laboratory consists of four fully equipped classrooms and an office. Courses, labs, language clubs and department related activities/events are held in each of the rooms and free student access is also available outside of class times. 

The Language Lab Office

Office: Daniel 132

Hours: during regular spring and fall semesters

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Contact: 864-656-3458,  

The Language Lab Office is closed during the winter and the summer breaks. 

For more information or to reserve resources during the winter and summer breaks, please contact the Language Laboratory Director:

Dr. Su-I Chen

In addition to the Director, the Laboratory office is staffed with knowledgeable and helpful assistants who are also ready and willing to aid instructors and students.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions. We welcome constructive feedback that allows us to further improve the Language Laboratory for the Clemson University community!

Room Capacity:

Daniel 117: 24 seats

Daniel 119: 28 seats

Daniel 123: 32 seats

Daniel 126: 40 seats

Room Reservation:

If you need to reserve a room, please contact the lab office for reservation. To check the room availability, use the Week option to view the calendars. 


Department of Languages
Department of Languages | 717 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634