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Community, Engagement, Belonging and Access

Corporate and Foundation Giving

At Clemson University, we recognize the vital role that corporations and foundations play in advancing our mission of inclusive excellence. By establishing and nurturing long-term relationships, we create opportunities for philanthropic support that directly impact our students, faculty, and research initiatives.

Corporate Philanthropy

Corporate philanthropy encompasses a range of investments and activities that companies choose to support causes they believe in. These contributions can take various forms:

  • Financial Investments: Companies may provide monetary donations to fund scholarships, research projects, or infrastructure improvements.
  • Product Donations: Corporations contribute products or services that enhance our educational environment or benefit our community.
  • In-Kind Assistance: Offering expertise, resources, or services can significantly impact our programs.
  • Employee Volunteerism: Encouraging employees to volunteer their time and skills strengthens our collaborative efforts.

Corporate Relations

Corporate Relations helps to bridge corporate giving offices and the various academic units at Clemson. We connect corporations with our faculty, colleges, schools and centers whose work aligns with their philanthropic priorities. By fostering these connections, we ensure that corporate support directly contributes to inclusive excellence.

Foundation Relations

Foundation Relations focuses on engaging philanthropic organizations. We inform private foundations about our research, programming, and outreach activities that align with their funding interests. We encourage foundations to invest in Clemson’s future by showcasing our impactful work.

If you would like to explore how your corporation or foundation can support inclusive excellence through philanthropic support please contact:

L. Corrine Grant