My areas of expertise span advanced simulations for civil, mechanical, and aerospace applications, model calibration, model verification, and model validation by test. Examples of current research applications include:
Modeling and validation by test of seismic behavior for concrete and masonry structures
Test-validated finite element (FE) simulations for indirect health monitoring of bridges
Modeling and design of rigid-flex PCB robotics for extreme impact resistance
Simplified multivariate Bayesian calibration and validation techniques for FE models of vehicle subsystems
Research Group Website: The research at Clemson Advanced Structures Laboratory (CASL) focuses on creating models for complex material and structural behavior and utilizing experiments to validate these models for civil, mechanical, and aerospace applications.
B.S., Civil Engineering, 2010, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S., Civil Engineering, 2012, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, 2015, Georgia Institute of Technology
CE 4010/6010 Matrix Structural Analysis
CE 4020 Reinforced Concrete Design
CE 8050 Advanced Structural Mechanics
CE 4040/6040 Masonry Structural Design
CE 8060 Structural Dynamics
Structural Engineer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2014-2018>
The Masonry Society (TMS)
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
NASA Loads and Dynamics Technical Discipline Team
Bell, J., Redmond, L., Carpenter, K., and de la Croix, J.P., “Design of Rigid-Flex PCB Robotics Leveraging Validated Finite Element Simulations,” IEEE Aerospace, Big Sky, MT, March 5-12, 2022.
Bell, J., Redmond, L., Carpenter, K., de la Croix, J.P., “Experimental Dynamic Characterization of Rigid-Flex PCB Systems,” Experimental Techniques, March 1, 2022.
Redmond, L., Kriechbaum, K., Younse, P., and Kulczyzki, E., “Design of Robust Sealing Mechanism for Mars 2020 Sample Tubes,” AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 57(5), 2020.
Mokalled, S., Locke, W., Abuodeh, O., Redmond, L. and McMahan, C., “Drive-By Health Monitoring of Highway Bridges Using Bayesian Estimation Technique for Damage Classification,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 29(6), 2022.
Locke, W., Redmond, L., and Schmid, M., “Experimental Evaluation of Drive-by Health Monitoring on a Short Span Bridge Using OMA Techniques,” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering,27(9), 2022.
Locke, W., Sybrandt, J., Redmond, L., Safro, I. and Atamturktur, S., "Using Drive-by Health Monitoring to Detect Bridge Damage Considering Environmental and Operational Effects," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 468, 2020.
Redmond, L., Kriechbaum, K., Younse, P., and Kulczyzki, E., “Design of Robust Sealing Mechanism for Mars 2020 Sample Tubes,” AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 57(5), 2020.
Bell, J., Redmond, L., and Carpenter, K., “Dynamic Characterization of a Pop-Up Folding Flat Explorer Robot (PUFFER) for Planetary Exploration,” IMAC XXXVIII, Houston, TX, February 10-13, 2020.
Redmond, L., Stavridis, A., Kahn, L., and DesRoches, R. "Finite element modeling of hybrid concrete-masonry frames subjected to in-plane loads," ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(1), 2018.
Redmond, L., Kahn, L., and DesRoches, R. "Shear and tensile strength equations for analysis of grouted masonry," The Masonry Society Journal, 34(1), 2017.
Redmond, L., Kahn, L., and DesRoches, R. "Design and construction of hybrid concrete-masonry structures informed by cyclic tests," Earthquake Spectra, 32(4), 2016.
Redmond, L., Ezzatfar, P., DesRoches, R., Stavridis, A., Ozcebe, G. and Kurc, O. “Finite element modeling of a reinforced concrete frame with masonry infill and mesh reinforced mortar subjected to earthquake loading," Earthquake Spectra, 32(1): 393-414, 2016.