Areas of Interest
Mass Timber Performance and Construction
Sustainable Design of Structures
B. Sc. In Civil Engineering, 2015, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
M.S., Civil Engineering, 2016, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, 2020, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
CE 2010 Statics
CE 2550 Geomatics
CE 4590 Capstone (structural consultant)
CE 4060 Structural Steel Design
ASCE Faculty Advisor
Stoner, M., Pang, W. (2021). Tornado hazard assessment of residential structures built using cross-laminated timber and light-frame wood construction in the US. Natural Hazards Review, 22(4), 04021032.
Stoner, M. & Pang, W. (2020). Simulated Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber Residential Structures Subject to Tornadoes. Frontiers in the Built Environment. In Review.
Stoner, M., & Pang, W. (2019). Development of a windborne debris impact fragility curve for Cross-Laminated Timber using experimental testing. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 190, 143-150. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2019.04.017
Stoner, M., Pang, W., & Piratla, K. (2019). Predicting Culvert Deterioration Using Physical and Environmental Time-Independent Variables. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 10(4), 04019035. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ps.1949-1204.0000409
Stoner, M. & Pang, W. (2020). Simulated Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber Residential Structures Subject to Tornadoes. Frontiers in the Built Environment. In Review.
Stoner, M., & Pang, W. (2019). Development of a windborne debris impact fragility curve for Cross-Laminated Timber using experimental testing. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 190, 143-150. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2019.04.017
Stoner, M., Pang, W., & Piratla, K. (2019). Predicting Culvert Deterioration Using Physical and Environmental Time-Independent Variables. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 10(4), 04019035. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ps.1949-1204.0000409
Stoner, M., and Pang, W., “Shear Strength of Light-frame Wood Shear Walls Sheathed with Flexible Structural Sheathing,” a report submitted to The Engineered Wood Association (APA), Tacoma, WA, (2019).
FEMA, 2018, Vulnerability-Based Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of One- and Two-Family Dwellings, FEMA P-1100, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C
Piratla, K., Pang, W., Jin, H., Stoner, M. (2017). Best Practices for Assessing Culvert Health and Determining Appropriate Rehabilitation Methods, FHWA-SC-17-01. Columbia, SC, South Carolina Department of Transportation.
Stoner, M., Pang, W., Raymond, A. 2019. “Utilization of Cross-Laminated Timber in Residential Construction to Resist Tornado Hazards”. International Conference on Wind Engineering. Beijing, China (September 2-5 2019).
Stoner, M. Pang, W., Fan, F. 2018. “Experimental Windborne Debris Impact Testing of Cross-Laminated Timber Panels”. Tornado Hazard Wind Assessment and ReducTion Symposium. Champaign, IL (September 26-27 2018).
Stoner, M. Pang, W. 2018. “Experimental Testing and Numerical Validation of Cross-Laminated Timber Under Debris Impact Loading”. Proc. of 2018 WCTE Conference. Seoul, South Korea (August 20-23 2018).
Blaney, C., Cobeen, K., Filiatrault, A., Welch, D., Stoner, M., Pang, W., and Vincent, T., “Prestandard for Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of One- and Two-family Dwellings,” 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, (June 25-29, 2018).
Blaney, C., Cobeen, K., Filiatrault, A., Welch, D., Stoner, M., Pang, W., Vincent, T., “Prestandard for Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of One- and Two-family Dwellings (ATC-110 Project),” 2017 Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) Convention, San Diego, California, Sep 13-16, (2017).
Stoner, M. Pang, W. Cross-Laminated Timber as a Tornado Resilient Material. Presented at 2017 Mass Timber Conference, Portland, Oregon, March 29-30, 2017.
Albright, D., Stoner, M., Blouin, V., Harding, D., Heine, U., Pastre, D. “Sim[PLY]: Innovative Platform Framing with CNC-Fabricated Plywood Componentry,” Proc. of 2016 WCTE Conference. Vienna, Austria (August 22-25 2016).
Gu, M., Pang, W., Stoner, M. 2016. “Bending and Rolling Shear Capacities of Southern Pine Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)”. Proc. of 2016 WCTE Conference. Vienna, Austria (August 22-25 2016).
Albright, D., Blouin, V., Harding, D., Heine, U., Pastre, D. 2015. Clemson University Solar Decathlon House. U.S. DOE Competition and Exhibition throughout exhibition. Irvine, CA. October 8-18, 2015.