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Renewable Energy Certificate Program

How to Apply for Undergraduate Special Student Status for the Purpose of Entering the Renewable Energy Certificate

The following information is for applicants who are not students at Clemson or at any other school:

The steps for applying for and entering this program are shown below.  However, before formally applying, please read the information about this certificate program and then send an email to Patty McNulty, Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator if you have any questions about the program and its requirements.

To Apply for Special Student Status:

1. Go to the application web page.

2. Under the “Getting Started” section of the “Account Menu,” select “Create Your Account.”  (If you have questions while entering the requested information, select “Account Directions & Information”)

3.  Under the “Proceed to Application”  section of the “Account Menu,” select “Applications Menu”

4. Under the “Forms” section of the “Application Menu,” select “Application for Admission”  (This will take you to the online Application for Admission form.)

5.  Fill out the online application.  Be sure to answer “no” to question 4: “Are you seeking an undergraduate degree from Clemson?” and “no” to question 6: “Are you enrolled in college/university?”

6. After answering all questions on this form, click on “Save” at the bottom of the page, then “Continue.”)  This will take you to a link to the Special Student Application)

7. On the 2nd page of the Special Student Application, in response to:  “I am participating in the following special program of study,”  enter: “Renewable Energy Certificate.”

8. After entering all other requested information on this form, click on “Save,” then  “Submit” at the bottom of the form.  After your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by the ECE Department and/or the Admissions Office.

To Enter the Renewable Energy Certificate Program After Acceptance as a Special Student:

9. Complete the Undergraduate Certificate Application for the Plan of Study.

You will need the following information:

  • Certificate Name:  Renewable Energy Certificate
  • Certificate Code:  CERT-RENE-F CERTU
  • Certificate Program Director:  Dr. Carl Baum, ECE Undergraduate Program Coord.

10. Sign the completed Undergraduate Application for the Plan of Study form and return it to Patty McNulty, Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator, who is located in 104-A Riggs Hall. Patty McNulty may also be reached via email.

11. The Certificate Program Director will sign the form and return it to Enrolled Student Services in 104 Sikes Hall.

12. Upon receipt, Enrolled Student Services will send an Undergraduate Certificate Plan of Study form to the department.

13. With the help of the Certificate Program Director, fill out this form. The ECE Certificate Program Director will sign as advisor and the form will retained in the ECE Department until you complete all courses required by the certificate program.  After all courses have been completed, the Certificate Program Director will send the signed Undergraduate Certificate Plan of Study form back to Enrolled Student Services. 

14.  Enrolled Student Services will validate completion of the certificate program and update your transcript accordingly.

15.  The Certificate Program Director/ECE Department will be responsible for both printing and issuance of the certificate.


How to Apply for  the Renewable Energy Certificate if You Are a Clemson Student

(As an undergraduate student, you must first complete a Certificate Program Request Form if you want to enter this certificate program since it was approved at the “post-baccalaureate” level.  This form is available from Patty McNulty in 104-A Riggs Hall.).  If your request is approved, then proceed as follows: 

1. Complete the Undergraduate Certificate Application for the Plan of Study

You will need the following information:

  • Certificate Name:  Renewable Energy Certificate
  • Certificate Code:  CERT-RENE-F CERTU
  • Certificate Program Director:  Dr. Carl Baum

2.  Once you have filled out and signed this form, return it to Patty McNulty, who is located in 104-A Riggs Hall, who will then obtain the Certificate Program Director's signature and route the form to Enrolled Student Services.

3. Upon receipt, Enrolled Student Services personnel will send an Undergraduate Certificate Plan of Study form to the ECE Certificate Program Director. Patty will contact you in order to fill out the Plan of Study form and obtain the signature of your advisor. You will then return it to Patty and this form will be retained in the ECE Department until you complete all courses required by the certificate program.  After all courses have been completed, the Certificate Program Director will send the signed Undergraduate Certificate Plan of Study form back to Enrolled Student Services in 104 Sikes Hall. 

4.  Enrolled Student Services will validate completion of the certificate program and update your transcript accordingly.

5.  The Certificate Program Director/ECE Department will be responsible for both printing and issuance of the certificate.

If you have any questions, contact Patty McNulty, Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator to discuss your plans and questions.

The following information is for applicants who are students at a school other than Clemson:

Application to Clemson:

Students enrolled at a university other than Clemson who wish to enter the Renewable Energy Certificate Program at Clemson should contact Patty McNulty, Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator, to discuss your plans and questions. She will advise you on how to apply for admission into the appropriate student category (Special Student or Transient Student).