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Dr. Adam Kirn

adam kirnAssistant Professor of Engineering Education
University of Nevada, Reno
Website: Adam Kirn Ph.D.


Ph.D., Clemson University, 2014, Engineering in Science Education
M.S., Clemson University, 2012, Bioengineering
B.S., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 2008, Biomedical Engineering

Research Areas

Engineering Identity
Engineering Teaming
Student Motivation and Learning
Graduate Student Experiences

Selected Publications

  • Kirn, A., Huff, J., Godwin, A., Ross, M., & Cass, C. (2019). Exploring Tensions of Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in a Domain with Conflicting Cultural Practices. Qualitative Research in Psychology
  • Potvin, G., McGough, C.*, Benson, L., Boone, H.*, Doyle, J.*, Godwin, A., Kirn, A., Ma B.*, Rohde, J.*, Ross, M., Verdín, D.* (2018). Gendered Interests in Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering: Intersections with Career Outcome Expectations. IEEE Transactions on Education
  • Godwin, A., Verdín, D.*, Kirn, A., & Satterfield, D.* (2018). The Intersection of Gender and Race: Exploring Chemical Engineering Students’ Attitudes. Chemical Engineering Education.
  • Verdín, D.*, Godwin, A., Kirn, A., Benson, L., & Potvin, G. (2018). Engineering Women’s Attitudes and Goals in Choosing Disciplines with Above and Below Average Female Representation. Social Sciences.
  • Kirn, A., & Benson, L. (2018). Engineering Students' Perceptions of Problem Solving and their Future. Journal of Engineering Education.
  • Godwin, A., Kirn, A., & Rohde, J.* (2017). Awareness without action: Student attitudes after engineering teaming experiences. International Journal of Engineering Education.

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