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Dr. Jeff Appling | ESED

Dr. Jeffrey R. Appling Professor, Engineering and Science Education
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Office of Undergraduate Studies
Office: 101 Vickery Hall, Clemson SC 29634
Phone: (864) 656-3022


Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1985, Physical Chemistry
B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1980, Textile Chemistry

Research and Teaching Interests:

Dr. Appling's research activities involve development of new materials and methods to improve both instruction in science and the study skills of science students. He has explored the ability of students to learn science using various technologies including CD-ROM, the Internet, as well as in-class computerized tools. Dr. Appling is co-author of Discover Chemistry, an interactive learning program for general chemistry. His recent research has focused on the success and retention of underprepared students in science and engineering.



Sarah Carson, Andrew Dippre, Ellen Gregory, Megan Hembree, Kaitlyn Kooi, Kyle Pazzo, Avery Shawen, and Jeffrey Appling, “General Education and ePortfolios: Syllabi and the Role of Faculty,” The International Journal of ePortfolio, 5, 55 (2015).

Jeffrey Appling, Jessica Gancar, Shiree Hughes, and Alexandra Saad, “Class Syllabi, General Education, and ePortfolios,” The International Journal of ePortfolio, 2, 199 (2012).

J. R. Appling, “Confessions of a Chalkaholic,” Clemson University Faculty Directions newsletter, Volume 6, No. 1 (August 2005).

J. R. Appling and L. C. Peake, “Instructional Technology and Molecular Visualization,” J. Science Ed. and Technology, 13, 361 (2004).

J. R. Appling and Jean C. Richardson, Math Survival Guide: Tips for First Year Science Students, 2nd edition (2004), John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.

J. R. Appling (editor), Chemistry Fourth Edition PHGA Web Site, Prentice Hall Publishing, Upper Saddle River, NJ (2003).

J. R. Appling and C. Frech, Chemistry Fourth Edition Companion Web Site, Prentice Hall Publishing, Upper Saddle River, NJ (2003).

"Discover Chemistry Web Site" Brooks/Cole Publishing, Monterey (1999).

"Discover Chemistry CD-ROM Version 2.0," Brooks/Cole Publishing, Monterey (1998).

"Odd-parity Autoionizing Levels of Atomic Arsenic," J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phen., 85, 93 (1997).

"Electronic Homework Passes First Large Scale Test," Computers in Chemical Education Newsletter, Spring 1995.

"State Selective Production of Phosphorus Ions via Multiphoton Ionization of Atomic Phosphorus," J. Chem. Phys. 1994, 101, 2659.

"Sodium D Line Emission from Pickles," J. Chem. Ed. 1993, 70, 250-251.



* Golden Key International Honour Society, Honorary Membership, 2007
* Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society, Honorary Membership, 2007
* Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence, April 1998.
* College Award of Excellence for Teaching in the Sciences, April 1998.
* Voted "Best Clemson Professor" by Clemson students in newspaper poll 1997
* Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence, April 1996.
* Michelin Excellence-In-Teaching Award, Clemson University Student Government, November 1995.
* Georgia Tech Council of Outstanding Young Engineering Alumni, inducted into founding class March 1995.
