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Are you considering Clemson University to pursue your education? If yes, please read below for important information.

Be Prepared

Below is a list of high school courses that will help to prepare you for an engineering major in college. These courses are highly recommended, and the more you take the more you'll be prepared. If you cannot take these courses in high school, they are offered at the college level.

Course Information
4 years of Math 3 years of Sciences 1 year of Computing
Geometry Biology Introduction to Programming course
Calculus Chemistry
Trigonometry Physics


Q: How do I find out about admissions policies and procedures?
A: Call the Admissions Office at 864.656.2287 or visit Clemson's Admissions page.

Q: What are the different engineering and computing majors at Clemson?
A: Clemson has ten undergraduate engineering majors and two computing majors. Visit the program page to find out what they are and to read more about them.

Q: Can engineering students co-op? What is involved?
A: Yes! There are many excellent co-op opportunities for engineering students. Co-op students alternate semesters of school with semesters of paid, career-related work for a total of three semesters of work. For more information, call the Co-op Office at 864.656.3150 or visit Clemson's Co-op page.

Q: Do I need a laptop?
A: Yes. All new engineering majors will be required to have a laptop. For more information, call 864.656.1344 or visit the Clemson laptop info.

Q: How will my AP credits transfer?
A: Clemson University credit is awarded for grades of 3, 4, or 5 on AP exams. Use the Credits Awarded Chart to see how many hours your AP classes will count for and what grade you need to receive on individual exams to receive credit.