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Proposal Development

TIGER Grant Awardees


The Dean’s Advisory Council of the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the Transformative Initiative for Generating Extramural Research (TIGER) grants program.

The purpose of this program is to provide financial support for the establishment, or expansion, of collaborations that are multi-disciplinary in nature and thus lead to the development of more competitive, center-type proposals and significant collaborative proposals. These efforts should support key areas that align with the strategic priorities in the Clemson Elevate Strategic Plan. Proposals need not be limited to computing, engineering, and applied sciences-specific domains. For instance, proposal areas can include educational or training initiatives or topics that are a convergence of traditional disciplines.

Spring 2022 Dates

  • Dec 10 – Call sent to CECAS Faculty
  • Jan 29 – Written proposals due 4:30
  • Feb 5 – Slide presentation due 4:30
  • Feb 12 – Faculty notice of schedule
  • Feb 23-24 – Oral presentations
  • Mar 12 – Faculty notified of funding
  • July 1 – Funds available
Spring 2022 Awardees and Proposals
Awardee Description Department Amount
Jordon Gilmore Evaluation of Multimodal Biometric Data and Machine Learning as a Training Tool for Increasing Empathy within the Psychotherapy Process BIOE $15,000
Jiro Nagatomi Interdisciplinary Research in Urology: Development of Novel Diagnostic Markers for Bladder Outlet Obstruction BIOE $15,000
Kumar Venayagamoorthy Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence for Complex Network and Systems (BRAINS) ECE $8,000
Lisa Benson Peer Review Institute (PERI) ESED $15,000
Karen High Research on Mentoring in Current and Future STEM Faculty Development ESED $15,000
Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte Architecting Bacterial Nano Cellulose ME $14,181.36
Jane Zhao Test and Validate Distributed Coaxial Cable Sensors for in situ Monitoring of the Corrosion Conditions of Reinforced Concrete Structures ME $10,295
Thompson Mefford Development of therapeutic perovskite particles for magnetic hyperthermia treatment of Cancer MSE $15,000
Sabarish Babu Investigating Near Field Size Perception and Affordances of Tangible Interfaces in Extended Realities (ER) SOC $7,500
Paige Rodeghero Can a video game improve a learner's ability to successfully perform ultrasound-guided IV placement? SOC $4,977.30
Spring 2021 Awardees and Proposals
Awardee Description Department Amount
Jeremy Mercuri Refinement and validation of an in silico model to predict mesenchymal stem cell response to the environment of the degenerating intervertebral disc BIOE $15,000
Angela Alexander Bryant Enabling Enhanced Computed Tomography Imaging of Brain Tumors using Nanoparticle Contrast Agents BIOE $5,000
Goutam Koley Investigation of P(VDE-TrFE) thin films based energy harvesters from ultrasonic power sources for detection and monitoring of infection in wound implants ECE $15,000
Sudeep Popat SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater-based Epidemiology: Beyond Correlations with Total or New COVID-19 Cases EEES $15,000
Yue ‘Sophie’ Wang Collaborative Development of Robotics, mEchatronics and Advanced Manufacturing Open Educational Resources (CoDREAM-OER) ME $15,000


ClemsonForward is a strategic plan focused on the future and challenges facing South Carolina, the nation, and the world in the 21st century.

  • Increase awarded doctoral degrees
  • Support state economic development
  • Provide high-impact research opportunities
  • Double underrepresented instructional faculty
  • Increase annual research proposal submissions
College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences | Riggs Hall