Samuel Postell

Lyceum Visiting Scholar, Lyceum Program, Snow Institute for the Study of Capitalism
EmailSamuel Postell is the Assistant Director of the Lyceum Scholars Program. He holds a B.A. in Politics and English from Ashland University and a Ph.D. from the University of Dallas, where he defended his dissertation entitled "Rocked in the Cradle of the Revolution: Henry Clay, the Theory of Union, and Legislative Statesmanship." Before joining the SISC, he served as the executive director of the Center for Liberty and Learning at Founders Classical Academy, where he taught American literature, government, rhetoric and economics. He has taught politics and American studies courses at the University of Dallas and Midwestern State University.
Postell maintains research interests in the U.S. Congress and legislative statesmanship, politics and literature, and administrative law. He has published essays and book chapters on American Literature, the Missouri Compromise, the Whig Party, State Supreme Courts, Administrative Law and Antebellum Political Thought. He has a forthcoming book on Moby-Dick entitled "Prophet and Fulfiller, One: Melville's Captain Ahab as the American Achilles."