Bruce Yandle

Co-Founder, Snow Institute for the Study of Capitalism
Dean Emeritus, Clemson University College of Business & Behavioral Science
Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus, John E. Walker Department of Economics
Bruce Yandle is a distinguished Mercatus Center adjunct professor of economics at George Mason University. He specializes in public choice, regulation and free-market environmentalism. Yandle frequently briefs Capitol Hill policymakers on economic issues and lectures regularly in Mercatus programs for House and Senate staffers.
Yandle served as dean of the Clemson University College of Business & Behavioral Science from 2004-2007, was executive director of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and senior economist on the President's Council on Wage and Price Stability.
Publications: Bootleggers and Baptists, Taking the Environment Seriously, Agriculture and Environment, Agricultural Policy and the Environment, The Political Limits of Environmental Regulation, Common Sense and Common Law for the Environment, Public Choice and Regulation, Land Rights, Regulation and the Reagan Era