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Media Forensics Hub

Hub Reports

The Hub conducts investigations examining digital influence campaigns. These are done for the purpose of building an understanding of the tactics, techniques, and procedures used to manipulate public discourse. Research findings are detailed in the reports below.

Read Creative Inquiry Reports Here
  • Old Despots, New Tricks
    Old Despots

    Under President Paul Kagame actors aligned with the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) have routinely used digital platforms to harass and intimidate critics. Prior reporting on the behavior of these actors has primarily focused on specific attacks, accounts, or targets due to their potential for harm. In this report we identify a large coordinated RPF - aligned influence campaign and conduct a thorough analysis of its scale, scope, and techniques.


    Read the Report Here

  • A Consideration of Coordinated Behavior in the #AUKUS Conversation on X (Formerly Twitter)

    In this case study, we demonstrate a unique combined approach to detecting coordinated activity on social media to a degree of accuracy and sensitivity that is not yet seen anywhere in the market. This detailed intelligence can have enormous strategic value in understanding where adversaries are allocating their efforts, for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of their approaches to influence, and for planning countermeasures.



    Read the Report Here

  • Infektion’s Evolution: Digital Technologies and Narrative Laundering

    This report describes the details of a current Russia-linked narrative laundering campaign combining traditional KGB laundering tactics observed as part of Operation Denver with modern digital technologies, including social media, digital publishing, and artificial intelligence.



    Read the Report Here


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    Media Forensics Hub
    Media Forensics Hub | Watt Family Innovation Center, Clemson, SC