Modernizing How Clemson Works
Clemson University’s leading-edge technologies and tools transform the way faculty, staff and student workers tackle daily tasks. No longer bogged down by time-draining administrative human resources and finance work, today’s employees are free to devote more time to core work goals, achieve more — with greater speed!

Business Modernization
Modernizes Human Resources and Finance processes to empower faculty, staff and student workers with self-service capabilities, fewer manual forms and approvals, more centralized processes, and improved access to reports and dashboards.
Creates a one-stop shop for pre-approved travel requests and discounted travel bookings, helps safeguard your travels, organizes expense reports and manages the P-Card program.
Concur Travel and ExpenseResources
Revenue-Based Budgeting
Empowers academic leadership with financial transparency and authority.
Incentivizes innovation, entrepreneurship, smart revenue growth and expense management to optimize Clemson Elevate.
Draws upon the enhanced technology and efficiency of Workday@Clemson and is powered by the decision-making tools of Business Intelligence.
Revenue-Based BudgetingInsights
Financial Planning
Delivers data, reports and dashboards in a budgeting and financial planning hub designed to drive insights and improve strategic decision-making.
Workday Adaptive PlanningBusiness Intelligence
Uses a holistic approach to bring business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data tools and infrastructure, and best practices together to help organizations make more strategic, data-driven decisions.
Business Intelligence