CHANGE Student Organization


The student ethics committee of the Rutland Institute for Ethics, Creating Habits and Norms Guiding Ethical Decisions (CHANGE), was established at Clemson University in Spring 2019. CHANGE serves to create ethical programming at both the University-wide and college-specific levels by hosting speakers, events, and activities that focus on exposing students to real-life applications of ethical decision-making and ethical leadership. In addition to programming initiatives, CHANGE assists in hosting Clemson University’s Ina B. Durham Annual High School Ethics Case Competition each spring, publishes the Ethics Editorial newsletter that highlights various aspects of the Rutland Institute for Ethics, serves as the student voice of the Institute, and assists in promoting Annual Ethics Day and the TIDE Conference. It is the goal of CHANGE to consist of at least two undergraduate representatives and one graduate representative from each of the eight academic colleges at Clemson University.  


CHANGE meets on Thursdays

5:00–6:00 pm in Hardin Hall


Please reach out to the Staff Advisor of CHANGE, Emily-Elizabeth Cotton (, if you would like more information or have any questions.

CHANGE Executive Committee

  • Justin WolfeJustin Wolfe

    Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business

  • Lucy HaryLucy Hart

    Vice President
    College of Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences

  • albash-khan-2024.jpegAlbash Khan

    College of Science

  • Evelyn MorinEvelyn Morin

    College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences

  • delaney_mclaughlin_cah.jpgDelaney McLaughlin

    Public Relations Chair 
    College of Arts and Humanities

  • Bobbi ElmoreBobbi Elmore

    College of Education

  • Headshot of Matt HarringtonMatt Harrington

    Policies and Procedures Chair
    College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences

Ethics Programming

Spring 2025

Thu. January 16th

Coffee with CHANGE

1:00-4:00 pm @ All In Coffee Shop

Get to know more about us and what we do. 

Thu. January 23rd

CHANGE New Member Interviews

5:00 pm ~ Fill out an application on TigerQuest here!


Mon. February 17th

 EmpowerHer Week

 Ethical Art Competition

Submit Artwork Here


Tues. February 18th

EmpowerHer Week

 One Game at A Time

3:30-5:30 pm @ Hendrix Student Center Peebles Room


Thurs. February 20th

EmpowerHer Week

GatHER: Reflections on Women Empowerment & Ethics

6:00-8:00 pm @ Hendrix Student Center Peebles Room


Thurs. February 27th

Spill the Tea with CHANGE

5:00 - 7:00 pm @ Education Media Center


Thurs. March 13th

Deal or No Deal with CHANGE

3:00 - 6:00 pm @ Carillon Gardens

College of Business logo

 Tues. March 25th

Constructing with Ethics: Lego Building Competition 

6:30 - 8:30 pm @ Hendrix Student Center Peebles Room 


Wed. March 26th & 
Thurs. March 27th 

Thrift Swap Collaboration with Solid Green and Eco Reps

10:00 am - 2:00 pm @ Amphitheater

 CALFS logo

Tues. April 8th

Getting the Scoop on Bacterial Ethics:

Ice Cream Bar

5:00- 7:00 pm @ Carillon Gardens


Ina B. Durham Annual High School Ethics Case Competition

CHANGE hosts our High School Ethics Case Competition each year! This is an opportunity for high school students, in teams of two, to propose a solution to an ethical dilemma in front of a panel of judges.

Reasons to Participate:

  • Gain exposure to realistic ethical dilemmas
  • Understand that dilemmas occur everywhere and every day to everyone who makes choices
  • Experience with decision-making in pressured and time-restrictive situations at a leadership level
  • Participation can be featured on a resume or college application
  • Opportunity to network with other high school students, Clemson University students, staff, faculty, and admissions professionals
  • Trophy and monetary prizes awarded to winning teams

Specific questions regarding the Ina B. Durham Annual High School Ethics Case Competition can be directed to Matt Harrington at or by calling (864) 656-5379.


Ethical Elections & Officer Transitions presentation recorded for Clemsons Leader 2 Leader program




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