Annual Ethics Day

lyric-jorgenson.jpgClemson's 6th Annual Ethics Day was held on Wednesday, October 18th hosted by the College of Science. The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Lyric Jorgenson, acting Associate Director for Science Policy and the Acting Director of the Office of Science Policy at the National Institute of Health. These sessions allowed students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to engage with the pressing issues concerning how discovery and advancement translate into policies that affect our everyday lives.  



View the Keynote session below:


October 18th, 2023

Student Session

2:00 pm - 2:45 pm Science in the Service of Society

Watt Innovation Center Auditorium

Faculty Session

4:00 pm -5:00 pm  Perspectives on Publishing and Data Sharing

Watt Innovation Center Auditorium

Keynote Address

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm The Role of Science Policy in Addressing Global Health Challenges

Watt Innovation Center Auditorium

 Previous Annual Ethics Days:

2018- Joan Dubinsky
2019- Dr. Valerie Daniels-Carter
2020- Dr. Jerome Adams
2021- Dr. Kevin Kumashiro
2022- Mr. Bill Carlson