Protecting the Environment with Pesticide Education and Safety
The Clemson Extension Pesticide Safety and Education Program (PSEP) is a statewide educational program for pesticide applicators. Its goal is to provide pesticide information and training in order to protect the environment and public health from the misuse of pesticides.
For information regarding pesticide licenses and to order exam study manuals, please visit the Department of Pesticide Regulation.

Initial Private Pesticide Applicator Certification
The Virtual Initial Private Pesticide Applicator Training/Exam is available on demand. Once started, you have seven days to complete the training and exam. Once completed, please allow up to 14 days to hear from the Department of Pesticide Regulation.
Additional Training & Resources

Paraquat Training
Paraquat applicators must take this training every 3 years. Applicators are responsible for keeping up with their training certificate.

Department of Pesticide Regulation
Home & Garden Information Center
CDMS (Pesticide product labels & Safety Data Sheets)