
The proposed path forward is creation of a focused working/technical partnership of state and federal government agencies,academic/research institutions and interested public-sector groups charged with identifying problems and solutions, developing and implementing legislative information strategies, and educating the public regarding the current and potential problems associated with wild hogs in South Carolina. Identified as the South Carolina Wild Hog Task Force, the goal of this group would be to reduce the wild hog population size and impacts in South Carolina to an acceptable level (i.e., exactly what that “level” is would have to be determined by the proposed organization). The specific functions of the proposed organization would be to do the following:
Develop and issue statewide guidance/ planning documents;
Support/oversee the ongoing wild hog population survey, monitoring and assessment work in South Carolina;
Conduct/prepare a statewide risk assessment on wild hogs in South Carolina associated with the population expansion of these animals in existing areas as well as range expansion into new/heretofore unoccupied areas of the state;
Support legislative actions associated with wild hogs in South Carolina;
Develop/conduct/support public education/outreach associated with wild hogs in South Carolina; and
Develop a statewide plan for managing wild hogs in South Carolina.