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Faculty Senate

Advisory Board for Experiential Learning


Last Updated:   11/13/2024

Contact Name

Sharon Nagy, Associate Provost for Curriculum Innovation


The Advisory Board for Experiential Learning is a Shared Governance committee that focuses on the quality of experiential learning programs and courses. The Board is charged with reviewing and monitoring operational support needs, policy development, and programming for experiential learning, and reporting to and making recommendations to the Provost.

This committee is a formalized connection among the academic colleges and administrative units supporting experiential learning. These Administrative units provide expertise and support to create and sustain unique learning opportunities and environments and seek to further develop high-quality, competitive, and innovative experiential learning opportunities.

The Advisory Board for Experiential Learning shall be composed of one representative assigned by the Dean of each of the colleges, Clemson Libraries, graduate student and undergraduate student senates, as well as representatives of each Experiential Learning administrative units appointed by its top administrator as voting members. Other university personnel may be included as non-voting members.

The Chair is appointed by the provost (currently the Associate Provost for Curricular Innovation).

A Co-chair may be appointed by the chair.

The Experiential Learning Advisory Board may charter sub-committees as needed. Each of these subcommittees will have at least one member selected from the voting membership of the Experiential Learning Advisory Board.

The Faculty Senate Scholastic Policies Committee Chair will serve as an advisor to the Chair and OTEI and Undergraduate Studies representatives to the Advisory Board for Experiential Learning to ensure feedback from the SPC on any potential policy revisions recommended by the Advisory Board for Experiential Learning.

This committee is authorized by the Clemson University Committee on Committees. Changes to its description or composition should be initiated with the Faculty Senate Office.

Membership Composition

The Advisory Board for Experiential Learning shall be composed of one representative assigned by the Dean of each of the colleges, Clemson Libraries, graduate student and undergraduate student senates, as well as representatives of each Experiential Learning administrative units appointed by its top administrator as voting members. Other university personnel may be included as non-voting members. The Chair is appointed by the provost (currently the Associate Provost for Curricular Innovation). A Co-chair may be appointed by the chair.

Membership List (Last Updated: 11/13/2024)

Changes to the current chair and membership list should be initiated with the Faculty Senate Office.


Chair List - Experiential Learning Advisory Board
Name Email* College or Division Term End
Sharon Nagy snagy Academic Affairs 8/2025


Member List - Experiential Learning Advisory Board
Name Email* College or Division Service End
Brian Dominy dominy Undergraduate Studies 8/2025
Abby Baker bakera CU ExL 8/2025
Neil Burton boneil CCPD 8/2025
Brian Watkins   OGE 8/2025
Barbara Speziale bjspz Creative Inquiry 8/2025
Taimi Olson taimio OTEI 8/2025
Tom Dobbins tdobbin Extension 8/2025
Michelle Fox mbost Business 8/2025
Andy Tyminski amt23 Education 8/2025
Emily Scribner escribn CECAS 8/2025
Ed Bowers edmondb CBSHS 8/2025
Calvin Williams calvinw Science 8/2025
Scott Pratt scottp CAFLS 8/2025
Joey Manson jv AAC 8/2025
Josh Catalano catala4 AH 8/2025
Shelby Carroll sec8 Libraries 8/2025
Eric Pernotto epernot Honors College 8/2025
    Undergraduate Student  
    Graduate Student  
* Emails are unless noted.
Please contact the Faculty Senate Office with any questions about updating this page.