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Faculty Senate

Vending Machine Committee


Last Updated:   12/16/2022

Contact Name

Logan Evans, Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President for Finance and Operations


Vending Machine Committee reviews requests from University departments or organizations for the funding of special activities from the vending machine fund.

This committee is authorized by the Clemson University Committee on Committees. Changes to its description or composition should be initated with the Faculty Senate Office.

Membership Composition

Chair selection mechanism is unknown

Membership Composition - Vending Machine Committee
Seat Type Quantity Term Length Date of Term Initiation Seat Filling Mechanism Voting or Non-Voting Other Factors
Vice President for Student Affairs 1 By position Voting  
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost 1 By position Voting  
President of the Faculty Senate 1 By position Voting  
President of the Staff Senate 1 By position Voting  
Director of Fiscal Affairs 1 By position Voting  
President of the Undergraduate Student Body 1 By position Voting  
President of the Graduate Student Government 1 By position Voting  

Membership List (Last Updated: 12/16/2022 12:12:30 PM)

Changes to the current chair and membership list should be initiated with the Faculty Senate Office.


Chair List - Vending Machine Committee
Name Chair Type Email* College or Division Department Term Start Term End


Member List - Vending Machine Committee
Name Seat Type Email* College or Division Department Service Start Service End
Robert Jones Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost provost
Chris Miller Vice President for Student Affairs lcmille Student Affairs
Dave Blakesley President of the Faculty Senate dblakes CAAH 4/15/2023 4/14/2024
Jake Anderson President of the Staff Senate manders COB 4/15/2023 4/14/2024
Ashley McCollum President of the Undergraduate Student Body 4/15/2023 4/14/2024
Shay Easler President of the Graduate Student Government 4/15/2023 4/14/2024
* Emails are at unless noted
Please contact the Faculty Senate Office with any questions about updating this page.