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Faculty Senate

Athletic Council


Last Updated:   9/22/2023

Contact Name

Jasmine Townsend, Chair, Athletic Council


The Athletic Council advises the Clemson University administration on all major decisions affecting the administration of the athletic department. The Athletic Council shall recommend policy on intercollegiate athletics to the Director of Athletics and, when appropriate, to the President of the University. Specific duties of the Athletic Council include:

  • monitoring the recruitment, scholastic eligibility, and academic progress of student athletes;
  • reviewing athletic schedules and ticket prices;
  • advising the University’s faculty representative to the NCAA and ACC on matters of pending legislation;
  • evaluating athletic policies and programs to ensure their compatibility with the overall aims and mission of the University;
  • participating in the screening and selection of applicants for the position of Director of Athletics.


This committee is authorized and described in the Clemson University Faculty Manual. Changes to its description or composition should be initiated with the current President of the Faculty Senate.

Membership Composition

At the biennial March meeting of the Athletic Council the voting members elect from the regular, full-time faculty members a chair and vice chair whose two-year terms commence at the first Athletic Council meeting after May 15 of that year.

Membership Composition - Athletic Council
Seat Type Quantity Term Length Date of Term Initiation Seat Filling Mechanism Voting or Non-Voting Other Factors
Regular Faculty Member (One per college and the libraries; serves as alternate member) 8 3 years May 16 Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college Voting Maximum 3 consecutive terms  
Regular Faculty Member (One per college and the libraries; serves as voting member) 8 3 years May 16 Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college Voting  
Faculty Athletics Representative 1 By position Non-voting  
President of the Faculty Senate or designee 1 By position Voting  
Faculty or staff member (One from Student Affairs) 2 2 years May 16 Appointed by President of Clemson University Voting Maximum 2 consecutive terms  
Director of Athletics 1 By position Non-voting  
Deputy Athletic Director 1 By position Non-voting  
Associate Athletic Director/Senior Women’s Administrator 1 By position Non-voting  
Associate Athletic Director of Compliance Services 1 By position Non-voting  
Associate Athletic Director of Athletic Academic Services 1 By position Non-voting  
President of the Undergraduate Student Senate or designee 1 By position Voting  
President of the Graduate Student Government or designee 1 By position Voting  
Student athlete from the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) (One from revenue sports, one from non-revenue sports) 2 1 year May 16 Unknown Voting Maximum 2 consecutive terms  

Membership List (Last Updated: 9/22/2023)

Changes to the current chair and membership list should be initiated with the Faculty Senate Office.


Chair List - Athletic Council
Name Chair Type Email* College or Division Department Term Start Term End
Jasmine Townsend Chair jntowns CBSHS Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management 7/1/2020 5/14/2022


Member List - Athletic Council
Name Seat Type Email* College or Division Department Service Start Service End
Antonis Katsiyannis Faculty Athletics Representative antonis CoE Education and Human Development 5/15/2025
Rebecca Stoil Regular Faculty Member rstoil CAAH 5/15/2023
Michelle Colquitt Regular Faculty Member mcolgui University Libraries 5/15/2025
Brandon Boatwright Regular Faculty Member (Alternate) boatwr5 BSHS Communications 5/15/2024
Matthew Hooley Regular Faculty Member mhooley CAAH English 5/15/2024
Greg Batt Regular Faculty Member gbatt CAFLS 5/15/2022
Pat Layton Regular Faculty Member (Alternate) playton CAFLS Forestry and Environmental Conservation 5/15/2022
Jasmine Townsend Regular Faculty Member jntowns CBSHS Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management 5/15/2025
Brian Booth Regular Faculty Member brbooth CECAS Bioengineering 5/15/2023
Oliver Myers Regular Faculty Member (Alternate) omyers CECAS Mechanical Engineering 5/15/2024
Brandon Lockhart Regular Faculty Member (Alternate) blockha CoB Finance 5/15/2024
Stephen Kaeppler Regular Faculty Member (Alternate) skaeppl CoS Physics & Astronomy 5/15/2024
Brenda Burk Regular Faculty Member bburk University Libraries 5/15/2022
Mike Godfrey President of the Faculty Senate or designee mgodfre CoE 5/15/2022 5/15/2023
Tori Neimann Faculty or staff member niemann Student Athlete Development Director
Jean Bertrand Faculty or staff member jbrtrnd 5/15/2023
Natalie Honnen Faculty or staff member nhonnen Student Services and Performance
Matt Lombardi Faculty or staff member mlombar Athletics Student Athlete Enrichment Program
Chris Flocchi Faculty or staff member cfiocch Campus Recreation Student Affairs
David Scott Faculty or staff member (Alternate) dscott2 College of Education Education & Human Development 5/15/2023
Modi Wetzler Faculty or staff member mwetzle CoS Chemistry 5/15/2025
Kyle Cutler Faculty or staff member cutler Undergraduate Studies Registrar
Amanda Gray Richardson Associate Athletic Director of Compliance Services agray3 Athletics
Stephanie Ellison-Johnson Associate Athletic Director/Senior Women’s Administrator saellis Athletics
Graham Neff Deputy Athletic Director neffg Athletics
Kevin White Deputy Athletic Director kdw4 Athletics
Malik Balogun President of the Undergraduate Student Senate or designee 5/15/2022 5/15/2023
Robert M. Ohara President of the Graduate Student Government or designee rmohara Graduate Student 5/15/2022
Gracyn Burgess Student athlete from the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) 5/15/2023
Amari Robinson Student athlete from the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) amari 5/15/2022
* Emails are unless noted
Please contact the Faculty Senate Office with any questions about updating this page.