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Faculty Senate

Council on Graduate Studies


Last Updated:   1/22/2025

Contact Name

Dena Smith, Assistant to the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School


The Council on Graduate Studies provides oversight of graduate education by reviewing, considering, and disseminating recommendations from its constituent committees. Policy recommendations requiring specific action are approved and forwarded to the Academic Council. The Council on Graduate Studies is expected to transcend unit and college lines to promote excellence in all facets of graduate education.

The following committees fulfill specific roles in advising the graduate school and provide reports to the Council on Graduate Studies as requested and needed:

  1. Graduate Curriculum Committee;
  2. Graduate Admissions and Continuing Enrollment Appeals Committee;
  3. Graduate Fellowships and Awards Committee;
  4. Graduate Academic Grievance Committee;
  5. Graduate Academic Integrity Committee.

This committee is authorized and described in the Clemson University Faculty Manual. Changes to its description or composition should be initiated with the current President of the Faculty Senate.

Membership Composition

The Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (or dean’s designee) serves as non-voting chair.

Membership Composition - Council on Graduate Studies
Seat Type Quantity Term Length Date of Term Initiation Seat Filling Mechanism Voting or Non-Voting
Faculty Member (any) (Two per college) 16 3 years Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college Voting
Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School or designee 1 By position Non-voting
Faculty Member 1 1 year Appointed by the Faculty Senate President voting
Library Faculty Member 1 3 years Elected by Library faculty voting
Graduate Student 4 1 year Nominated by President of the Graduate Student Government and Appointed by Dean of the Graduate School Voting
Chair of the Graduate Curriculumn Committe By position Non-voting
Chair of the Graduate Admissions and Continuing Enrollment Appeals Committee By position Non-voting
Chair of the Graduate Fellowships and Awards Committee By position Non-voting
Chair of the Graduate Academic Greivance Committee By position Non-voting
Chair of the Graduate Academic Integrity Committee By position Non-voting

Membership List (Last Updated: 1/10/2023)

Changes to the current chair and membership list should be initiated with the Faculty Senate Office.


Chair List - Council on Graduate Studies
Name Chair Type Email* College or Division Department Term Start Term End
John Lopes Chair


Member List - Council on Graduate Studies
Name Seat Type Email* College or Division Department Service Start Service End
Douglas Seefeldt Faculty Member (any) , Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college wseefel CAAH History 8/14/2025
Susan Duckett Faculty Member (any) , Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college sducket CAFLS Animal & Veterinary Sciences 8/14/2025
Lori Dickes Faculty Member (any) , Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college lorid CBSHS Political Science 8/14/2025
Judson Ryckman Faculty Member (any) , Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college jryckma CECAS Electrical & Computer Engineering 8/15/2020 8/14/2023
Pravin Nath Faculty Member (any) , Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college pnath CoB Marketing 5/14/2025
Tony Cawthon Faculty Member (any) , Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college cawthot CoE 8/14/2025
Kimberly Paul Faculty Member (any) , Elected by faculty accorded voting rights in each college kpaul CoS Genetics and Biochemistry 8/14/2025
Roshan Venkatakrishnan Graduate Student , Nominated by President of the Graduate Student Government and Appointed by Dean of the Graduate School rvenkat 8/14/2023
Robert M. Ohara Graduate Student , Nominated by President of the Graduate Student Government and Appointed by Dean of the Graduate School rmohara Graduate Student 8/14/2023
* Emails are unless noted
Please contact the Faculty Senate Office with any questions about updating this page.