Financial Wellness Resources
Financial wellness is a state of financial well-being that empowers students to be money savvy and grow their wealth. Our goal is to help you gain the necessary knowledge to make sound financial decisions and to secure a successful financial future. It is never too early or too late to improve your financial wellness.
Personal Budgeting and Saving
The first step to developing a strong financial future is to build a personal budget based on your sources of income and a healthy savings plan. Test your skills by establishing an emergency fund or budget goal for your next vacation.
Credit Management
Your credit is established when you receive your first credit card or take out a student loan. The three credit bureaus will monitor your information and provide credit reports, including a credit score based on your credit worthiness. Make sure to check your credit report at least once a year.
Credit Cards
As a college student, having a credit card can seem like a life saver. However, it is important to use it cautiously and be aware of the payment date and the interest rate of your credit card.
Debt Management
Between credit cards and loans, there may be times in your life where you hold some portion of debt, but there are positive and negative ways to manage it. Here are some resources that will help you navigate your debt situation.