Danielle Scheurer, MD, MSCR is a practicing Hospitalist Physician and the Chief Quality Officer for the Medical University of South Carolina hospital. She completed undergraduate at Emory University, Medical School at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, and Medicine-Pediatrics residency training at Duke University. She then completed a Masters in Clinical Research at the Medical University of South Carolina. She works extensively to improve all aspects of patient safety, including with Clemson University with a large project evaluating how operating room design affects provider efficiency and patient safety.
How their research is transforming health care
Danielle is working with Clemson University on a large project to evaluate how operating room design affects provider efficiency and patient safety. Danielle’s area of expertise is quality improvement and patient safety. Through the Department of Quality and Safety at the Medical University of South Carolina, She works with a multi-disciplinary team to use innovation and best practice to continuously improve patient safety at MUSC.
Health research keywords
Patient Safety, Quality Improvement, Infection Prevention and Control, Human Factor Engineering, Risk Management