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School of Health Research

Faculty Scholars

Faculty Scholar Nicole Davis, Ph.D. at  Clemson University, Clemson South Carolina

Nicole Davis, Ph.D., AGPCNP-BC, GNP-BC

Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator
School Nursing
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
770-639-1501 or  


Nicole Davis is an Assistant Professor and board-certified Adult and Gerontological Nurse Practitioner. Her areas of interest are in urinary incontinence, chronic illness management, the needs of the aging, and the use of health information technology to support family caregivers. Davis has lectured and published on these topics and has received several awards and funding for her research. Davis has worked on several NIH and VA-funded, multi-site studies as part of the urinary incontinence clinical and research program, through the Birmingham/Atlanta Geriatrics, Research, Education and Clinical Center at the Atlanta VA Medical Center. Nicole teaches gerontology, gerontological nursing, and health policy and economics. Davis is also a Faculty Associate in the Clemson Institute for Engaged Aging, a Faculty affiliate in the Clemson Center for Research on Health Disparities, a member of the South Carolina Department on Aging, Lieutenant Governor’s Alzheimer’s Resource Coordination Center Advisory Council, and on the Board of Directors of the Upstate Regional Center of the South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium (AHEC).

Visit Dr. Davis' Faculty Profile.

How their research is transforming health care

Davis’ research is transforming healthcare by developing innovative ways to reach chronically ill, care-dependent elders, with a particular focus on caregiver support for the management of chronic illnesses (e.g.., ADRD, urinary incontinence) and addressing health disparities in dementia care. Her research focuses on exploring non-traditional, innovative methods to improve caregiver and care-recipient access to evidence-based interventions that improve their quality of life and optimize outcomes. Her doctoral research, which was funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation’s National Hartford Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence Award Program, focused on the development and pilot testing of an innovative, evidence-based, multicomponent behavioral intervention to support older adults with urinary incontinence and their informal caregivers, delivered via mobile technology.

Health Research Expertise Keywords

Faculty Scholar, Aging, Elderly, ADRD, Incontinence, Health disparities, Telehealth, Technology, Family Caregiver Support

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall