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School of Health Research

Quinn Gibson, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor
Philosophy and Religion
College of Arts and Humanities


Dr. Quinn Gibson received his doctorate in philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley in 2017, after which he was a postdoctoral teaching fellow at New York University Shanghai. Between 2019 and 2022, Dr. Gibson was Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the American University of Beirut. His work is primarily in philosophy of mind, philosophy of medicine and psychiatry, and philosophy of cognitive science. Dr. Gibson has published on the neuropsychology of delusions, the ‘brain disease’ theory of depression, the role of philosophy as a theoretical tool for understanding psychopathology, and distributive justice and healthcare allocation.

Visit Dr. Gibson's Faculty Profile.

How their research is transforming health care

Dr. Gibson's research aims to use the tools of scientifically informed philosophical analysis to bring clarity, precision, and humanistic values to the understanding of the social, personal, and interpersonal significance of medical, neuroscientific, and psychological research, especially as such research concerns mental disorder. Dr. Gibson is interested in causal models of disordered states and how they can illuminate the continuities and discontinuities between such states and ‘non-disordered’ states; in how people draw the distinction between pathological and non- pathological psychological and behavioral forms; in the nature of fundamental concepts in healthcare, such as health and disease, and how they relate to substantive values; and in how the best sciences transform the understanding of what it is to live a good life, including a healthy life. All of these are examples of areas where humanistic reflection bears directly on how to understand healthcare at the clinical and research level and how to bring it more closely into alignment with a critical understanding of people's most fundamental commitments.

Health research keywords

philosophy of medicine; philosophy of psychiatry; mental disorder; delusion; addiction; depression; moral psychology; bioethics

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall